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Bail Granted To Castries Man For Possessing Homemade Shotgun, Ammunition


On Saturday June 17, 2023, about 9:00 p.m. Officers of the Criminal Investigations
Unit conducted a search on Travan Chandler of Goodlands, Castries.

During the conduct of the search one (1) homemade Shotgun and two (2) Shotgun rounds of Ammunition were recovered.

Travan Chandler was arrested and charged for the offences of Possession of Firearm
and Possession of Ammunition. He was escorted to the First District Court for a bail

He was granted bail for the Possession of Firearm the sum of fifteen ($15,000) dollars and Possession of Ammunition the sum ten ($10,000) dollars and other court conditions.

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

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  1. Nice move, magistrates of the High Court! That way the gun-making and gun-toting criminals are guaranteed their rights to keep the flames of criminality burning! smh. I hope the hardworking policenen don’t get burnt out in the process as they repeatwdly watch in vain as the Courts rrlease the criminals they risk their lives to apprehend!

  2. How many gun cases are before the courts and cannot be completed? Will this one be added to the longs list of adjournment? Please magistrates stop these adjournment and complete these cases.

  3. Don’t trouble Travan! Just give him a bunch of roses compliments the court. Tell him what a great job he has been doing. Heck! Tell him get something bigger and more dangerous the next time.

  4. St.Lucia has the worst Judicial Shitstem in the World .The Grudges .Mageateates and Lawyers are the Worst .That’s why there’s so much Crime in St.Lucia.Persons on Bail for Serious CrimesShould Leave St.Lucia and travel to another Island and live there Permerently

  5. The dude is already back at work making shotguns… “MAGISTRATES WHAT DID YOU ACCOMPLISH THIS WEEK?” I GAVE BAIL TO A BUNCH OF LOWLIFE CRIMINALS” Some of these magistrates need to step-down or retire we need fresh and younger brains


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