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Citizen Security, Immigration Department Issues Among Priorities For Acting Police Chief

Acting Police Commissioner Ronald Phillip has identified addressing citizen security and resolving issues at the Immigration Department among his priorities.

Phillip told reporters although it is an acting appointment from June 15, 2023, to July 31, 2023, he intends to take the job very seriously.

He announced that with immediate effect, one of the issues he would like to address to appease aggrieved Saint Lucians is the situation at the Immigration Department.

” I think for me that is a major milestone if we can significantly reduce that level of backlog and that frustration that is being experienced at the Immigration Department. So short term, within the six weeks, I intend to do my best to try to remedy and correct this situation,” the Acting Police Commissioner stated.

Phillip spoke on Monday on the sidelines of the Regional Security System (RSS) Unity Exercise (UNEX) launch.

He observed that high crime levels are a source of fear and discomfort for citizens.

As a result, the Acting Police Chief explained that achieving citizen safety and security and reducing the fear of crime through crime reduction is paramount.

Regarding morale in the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF), Phillip said he thinks it is generally high.

Nevertheless, he acknowledged that the organisation has issues to deal with, including addressing internal mechanisms and modernising the RSLPF..

In addition, he spoke of the need for policies to govern police actions and greater investment in individual officers.

“We need to get to a stage where we can empower police officers to be leaders to take on some of the issues confronting us,” Phillip told reporters.

Phillip served as deputy to Saint Lucia’s first-ever female Police Commissioner, Crusita Descartes-Pelius.

He said her stint was successful.

Phillips said they worked well together and attributed some of the RSLPF’s successes to her leadership.

“So it’s just a matter of me carrying on from where she left off,” he told reporters.

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  1. Why he eh clear his name why the media not asking him bout the allegations against him Jesus Christ slp shame on u

  2. The guy said his stint as Deputy has been a success. Like seriously. Increasing Crime, Increase Accidents, No Immigration Dept. All of this under U AND THAT LADY AND U SAY A SUCCESS. SMBH

  3. What is going on in this police service. Commissioner’s post is like a joke. We just made all the huraahwYla over first female commissioner.
    Didn’t she know that her retirement was round the corner.
    Did she accept the post just for clout.
    6 months on the job and some claiming success and yet she retiring. If you were so effective why not stick around a bit cause we are still in hot crime mode. One bout of dialysis don’t help a failingkidney

  4. Wow. Was that position accepted just for clout? One bout of dialysis don’t help a failing kidney

  5. Trying to understand this. What was the point in appointing someone to commissioner position when it was known she is about to retire? What can she possibly accomplish in such a short period? Security of a nation should not be a political football, such being able to say I appointed the first female commissioner. Is there any surprise as to why our security and rule of law has become a big joke. This is just plain irresponsibility.

  6. @Alert alert, since you brought it up, I want in on the scoop. What’s the new actor defending? What are the supposed allegations? I like soaps and have not heard anything.

  7. There have been several rape and sexual assault allegations against a senior police officer in the RSLPF, I would like to know what the acting commissioner intends to do about those allegations, considering the fact the they were swept under the table by three former commissioners. I would also like to know whether he thinks the matter should be investigated and the alleged perpetrator brought to Justice as happens when such reports are made against us.


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