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Saint Lucia Establishes Consumer Protection Council


Saint Lucia has established a Consumer Protection Council to usher in a new era of consumer redress.

The Council held its first meeting on May 31, 2023.

In announcing its existence, the Acting Director of Consumer Affairs, Wendy Frederick, informed consumers of the official avenues for redress.

Frederick said if consumers have an issue and are dissatisfied with the supplier’s response, they can complain to the Consumer Affairs Department.

But she explained that the first step for the consumer is to return to the business place.

By way of example, she disclosed that in the absence of an explicit warranty agreement and subject to the standard conditions, an implied warranty of six months on parts and labour is attached to every transaction based on the Consumer Protection Act.

“If a supplier does not adhere to such terms, then the consumer can lodge a formal complaint,” Frederick stated.

She pointed out that the aggrieved consumer could download a complaint form online from the Commerce Ministry’s website and email it to

The aggrieved consumer could also visit the Consumer Affairs office on the corner of Micoud and Coral Streets to complain with accompanying documents, including receipts to support the claim.

The Acting Director of Consumer Affairs encouraged consumers to shop around before making a purchase decision and accept what they find suitable.

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  1. “an implied warranty of six months on parts and labour is attached to every transaction based on the Consumer Protection Act” what does that actually mean

  2. The fact that she used she said “the customer can complain to…” is already a failing start. Avaitay!!!! These are the same kinds of government workers who never pick up calls!

  3. @smh oh yes especially the land registry OMG they need to revamp everyone inside of there. Its like there is no registrar or registrars secretary. Always in a useless meeting that doesnt improve anything in side of there. Honestly they need to remove most of these women and put some men working in there so some actual work can be done

  4. Once again … this time under a slightly different heading. This will be the THIRD TIME that a “consumer protection agency” is being set up by, or with, a government department. During my lifetime, they were a dismal bunch of idiots. I sincerely hope this time, they have their heads screwed on right – and that there will be “PEOPLE” to assist consumers in their dismal plight for CONSUMER SERVICE. They could start off with government workers … (1) teach them critical thinking. (2) How best to arrive at solutions. (3) Delete the words “you HAVE to” from their vocabulary, and instead use “you NEED to” …

    This new entity has A LOT of damage control to administer, as well, arrive and function in today’s world of “consumers”.


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