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Contingency Plans In Place To Deliver Essential Health Services As Bret Approaches

The Ministry of Health has announced contingency plans to deliver essential health services before, during, and after the passage of Tropical Storm Bret.

“Persons will be able to access services at the hospitals,” Medical Officer of Health Dr. Glensford Joseph disclosed.

He said that the Dennery Hospital and the Gros Islet Polyclinic would provide 24-hour service until further notice from Thursday, June 22, 2023.

The facilities ordinarily close at midnight.

Joseph said the Soufriere Hospital would continue its 24-hour service.

But other wellness centres have now closed until the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) gives the all-clear.

Dr. Joseph urged Saint Lucia residents to be responsible for their safety and well-being.

And he warned of the potential for potable water and food contamination, leading to gastroenteritis, urging people to pay attention to WASCO and NEMO ‘boil water’ advisories.

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