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Intruder Caught On Camera – CCSS Staff Frustrated After Latest Break-In


Castries Comprehensive Secondary School (CCSS) staff are frustrated and ready to take action to demonstrate their feelings after the latest break-in at the institution during which CCTV cameras recorded an intruder.

The disclosure came on Friday from CCSS Principal Marva Daniel.

CCSS shop director's office window with pane removed where burglars entered.

“We are frustrated,” she declared, adding that CCSS staff were ready to ‘give in.’

Daniel told St. Lucia Times that after 6:00 am, the school cleaner and caretaker noticed the break-in.

The Principal disclosed that the school still needed to assess what was missing.

Daniel noted that the CCSS is an open plant, less secure than other institutions, with many possible entry points for an intruder.

She stated that the intruder knew where to locate the main office areas, broken into through the front or windows at the back.

“They damaged the door. They damaged the lock,” Daniel added.

“There was no security guard,” she told St. Lucia Times.


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  1. The news article made no mention of the Min of Education, the Minister, or any of the bodies responsible for our schools. What about the Principals Association, etc.? These are the entities who should be made aware of the plight of the school …

  2. The header said intruder caught on camera. What I’ve read said nothing about what was or was not caught on camera.

  3. The doors are so vulnerable even a baby can break in. That school is in a mess. Mold, dust, mildew air and noise pollution, leaks, dirty toilets. That break in was another waiting to happen. The only thing I agree with Chastanet with is that the school needs to be closed down

  4. As a past pupil, I visited the school recently. Sad to say it is in a bad shape. It was raining water sipped through the concrete roof, the stage is tottering, the toilets look like their intended purpose. The door locks is a disaster not safe.

  5. So true Sara I graduated from CCSS too and my child went there. CCSS is in a bad shape I went to orientation and almost fainted because of the state of the place. The kids drop rubbish all.over during resess. My little daughter wa8nted to use the bathroom and the smell was so bad. I notice mould and the ceiling was leaking. CCSS either needs serious renovation or serious permanent closure


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