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Award-Winning Saint Lucia Cop Urges Jail And No Fines For Firearm Offences


Award-winning Saint Lucia police officer Inspector Shervon Matthieu has urged further reform of the Island’s laws regarding possessing illegal guns or ammunition to ensure jail terms.

Matthieu recently received the Top Caribbean Crime Fighter award of a trophy and US$5,000 in Trinidad and Tobago.

He donated the cash to three local organisations.

Matthieu believes that although recently revised, the authorities should again scrutinise Saint Lucia’s gun legislation.

“In Jamaica there’s no bail for a firearm offence right now and you’re sentenced to fifteen years in prison,” he told the DBS Television programme Newsmaker Live Wednesday night.

“I believe that firearm offences, whatever it is, it could be a bullet, should be an incarcerated term – no fines,” Matthieu told programme host, Timothy Poleon.

Amid 43 homicides for the year, most involving guns, Matthieu compared gun crime to cancer.

“Cancer is deadly. Sometimes you survive the treatment – sometimes you don’t. So we need to deal with it. Make it more difficult for the perpetrators of of those gun crimes,” he asserted.

Matthieu painted a scenario of the police arresting an individual with four illegal firearms.

“You take them to court for bail – let’s say you are a police officer who does his work very quickly. I come to work, Tim, at 5:00 am. I search your home; I recover a firearm or two. I ask you if you have a lawyer, you tell me ‘No’,” he stated, adding that the services of a Justice of the Peace could be used.

“I interview you. I charge you. I get you to the court by 11:00 am. You have your family members already waiting. You go to the court. The magistrate gives you bail – $25,000 cash or suitable surety,” Matthieu said.

“Cash or suitable surety is basically somebody who is capable of signing for you. That person would just go to the bank, ask for a bank statement, come back to the court office, in being interviewed, sign your bail and by 3 O’ clock you’re out already that same day,” the police Inspector explained.

“Why not make it $25,000 cash. Yes, go and look for the $25,000 cash. Some of them may have it, some of them may not have it. But make it more difficult – $50,000 cash, because a bail is just to secure the person’s attendance at court,” Matthieu told Newsmaker Live.

He indicated that the court would thus exert pressure from the bail, which would serve as a deterrent.

In addition, Matthieu spoke of the need for more ‘boots on the ground,’ more CCTV cameras, drones, dogs to assist officers in their duties, and greater community engagement by the police as among the other measures to address crime.


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  1. Am in agreement with u sir , make it more difficult for these jokers .it just can’t continue this way , let’s get stuff on DEM .

  2. Well after watching the NML last night, I am convinced more than ever that no one in SLU is working on Resolving the Gun Violence in SLU. If this guy is one of the top cops in SLU, he obviously have no clue of the operations and his only hope is for America to change the way they do business and stop the movement of guns going to SLU. This is a helpless request and it will never happen. It was quite obviously that he was twisting the truth when he told a caller how they handle the container of drugs which happened to make its way to Courts in SLU. There was no accountability and in my opinion, I believe the content of the container was sold locally and regionally as this was the initial intent.
    I hate to say it but i am convinced there is no one or group in SLU to resolve our problems. Not the police, politicians or the executive branch. These guys are demotivated and have no clue as to the next step. SLU is not a place for anyone to live right now – things will get from bad to worst.

  3. Mailman we are still trying to get your point. The article is speaking about fines and penalties for firearm offences. You are all over the place

  4. He who feels it, knows it. Bail is a revolving door that has to close before any serious penetration can be made with crime. What we presently have is an assurance, that a gun perpetrator will be immediately let loose once caught. This can’t scare any potential gunslinger…Sunday through Saturday.
    The present system supposes that a bailed gunslinger will conform to conditions of bail. Unfortunately, it has been proven that many rearm immediately after bail. Others use their leadership skills to influence and have others do their dirty work. What about the police officers put in harm’s way an additional time? Stupid decisions like granting bail wears down morale. Put yourself in the cops place.

    No bail for gunslingers should have been the first step in fighting the gun scourge…break that chain. Even a smart toddler would say no bail. It doesn’t take any deep thought to figure it out.

  5. The COP is right. Until there is “real teeth” in the laws pertaining to the possession, distribution, trafficking, etc., of illegal guns and ammunition, we are fighting a losing battle! Laws must have enough teeth to deter the lawbreakers! That’s not rocket science! (Then again, maybe it is rocket science for many Saint Lucians who, from an intellectual standpoint, appear to be functioning at a deficit level in their “vanilla” approach to dealing with our fascination with guns and murders!)

  6. Yes sir – reformation is needed regarding St. Lucia’s laws sooner than later. I agree with your post – all bail does is send the criminals back out on the street to regroup and commit more crimes and murders — the very laws of the island will cause the demise of it’s law abiding citizens. Now honestly speaking – make that make sense???????? As for their accomplices who are waiting hand and glove for the malvateeyes – let their conscience be their guide.

    “Award-winning Saint Lucia police officer Inspector Shervon Matthieu has urged further reform of the Island’s laws regarding possessing illegal guns or ammunition to ensure jail terms.”

  7. What the cop is saying is jail and no fines so the taxpayers can pay to keep him in jail. What’s about jail plus fines to pay for his accommodation. This cop clearly us not too bright.

  8. Officer Matthieu it’s an uplifting thing that you donated that prize money to these needy causes it shows you’re true humanitarian spirit and its appreciated in St. Lucia. I think you make a great point by just shutting down bail allowances and straight to jail, let the extra diesel and gas money pay for these scorned individuals food, water, foam in a cell and keep them where they belong behind bars!. That will definitely work wonders if it’s possible with all these corrupt people in every single department on this island!.

  9. So why doesn’t he come outright and debunk the PM when he blames the Police for crime in this contry. Why does he not single out the Minister responsible for National Security for his failures. Until we reach that point we are just spinning top in mud.

  10. We all know, including the politicians, that jailing rather than bailing is a better strategy to deter gun slingers, but the mother of all questions is, “Can we afford it”? “ Can we maintain it” “Can we accommodate them?” If we can answer any of the questions in the affirmative, the powers that be would already be on the bandwagon.

  11. “The homicide rate, which spiked to a staggering 107 per 100,000 people in 2015, making El Salvador one of the most dangerous countries on earth, has fallen to just 7.8 per 100,000.”

    St. Lucia is about 30+ per 100,000. This is how bad it is here. You know how El Salvador did it. Locking up the gangstas. No bail, no mercy.

  12. @Yup. The economic, social and emotional cost to law-abiding citizens far outweighs removing bail. Medical costs is substantial trying to keep seriously wounded people alive. I have a suspicion that there’s overtime involved for staff. Let’s not forget wear and tear on equipment and resupplies. It’s a great unknown the number of visitors who cancelled their trips to the island because of negative press. It’s the age of the internet. Can we even place a finger on the emotional cost? To be bombarded with these grisly scenes on a constant basis can make one insensitive and uncaring. Definitely not good for a young generation. The social cost has much to do with quality of life. We all know what they are. A few of them can result in mental health issues.

    Putting those scum in prison has financial costs to the government (meals, security etc). Prison will be overcrowded and criminals quality of life will be impacted.
    I wonder which option is better for the law-abiding citizens? And by the way, there are many prisons around the world that are worse than an overcrowded Bordelais. We are not rich so we must work within our resources.

  13. Correction: @Yup. The economic, social and emotional cost to law-abiding citizens far outweighs KEEPING bail.

  14. Mr. Top Cop, we share the concern and the security threat of illegal guns and ammunition. I am also frustrated by the revolving door policy and the flaws of the bail system. We definitely need to tighten up. An individual in possession without intent to commit crime and no previous violation should be eligible to post financial bail. However, anyone who used gun to commit crime should face mandatory jail time. Mr. Top Cop suggests the adoption of Jamaican law on possession of illegal guns. However, he did not have any Jamaican crime data to support his position.

  15. So inspector what about the sexual allegations against your colleagues what you think should be their punishment

  16. @John Tom Brown if you would read beyond your bubble you would of known about this law in JA. They just implemented the changes….. they first held an amnesty bring your guns and you will not be charged no questions ask, many did not yield, now if you get caught, IF YOU ARE CAUGHT it’s 15yrs, shooting with intent forget about no bail and 15 the minimum.

  17. @freemason. I think you in the wrong lodge grop. what level you at in freemasonry. you must be the door mat cleaner. anyway. again putting these guys in jail will soon put an extra burden on the taxpayers. because the authorities will need more money to feed these bastards . it is almost impossible to stop illegal guns from entering. but if you make stiffer laws to have those criminals think twice then we can almost not have a market for illegal guns

  18. @freemason. I think you in the wrong lodge grop. what level you at in freemasonry. you must be the door mat cleaner. anyway. again putting these guys in jail will soon put an extra burden on the taxpayers. because the authorities will need more money to feed these bastards . it is almost impossible to stop illegal guns from entering. but if you make stiffer laws to have those criminals think twice then we can almost not have a market for illegal guns

  19. You are all wrong – if caught for any of these offences – in order to save the Jail money, here it is:- a good solid public cut ass at the Square in Castries, administered by a Phantom ass whipper, a bunch each week and immediately fly the Phantom back home each time. Whip their asses 15 to 25 lashes depending on 1st, 2nd or more offences. For murder cases don’t waste time or money, hang them one by one till the Jail is empty. No more such crime after that. If you don’t agree, then you are in favour of their crime.


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