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WATCH: Saint Lucia Medical Practitioners To Benefit From Medical Equipment VAT Exemption


The Government of Saint Lucia, led by Prime Minister Hon. Philip J. Pierre, has taken decisive action to eliminate cost-prohibitive fees associated with the importation of medical equipment.

Local doctors and medical professionals will be exempt from paying Value Added Tax on medical equipment effective August 2, 2023, to August 1, 2025.

Saint Lucians who need medical examinations can expect to pay less and avoid costly overseas travel for these vital healthcare services.

More in this report from Rehani Isidore:

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. What is a formula to be used by thise medical practitioners to reduce their fees for the common patient? 50% off, 30% off tests? This govt is quick to initiate things with far fetched benefits to those who need it. Same with this vat off building materials…the thought process is dumb!


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