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U.S. Coast Guard Repatriates 199 People To The Dominican Republic


United States Coast Guard crews repatriated 119 people to the Dominican Republic following four separate migrant vessel interdictions in the Mona Passage over the past eight days.

The Coast Guard and its Homeland Security Task Force – Southeast partners said they would continue their presence in the air and on waters to detect and deter migrants from attempting to enter the U.S. by sea unlawfully.

Sector San Juan Law Enforcement Duty Officer Lieutenant Junior grade Katherine E. Truett warned that embarking on transit across the Mona Passage in an overloaded and unsafe vessel is ‘incredibly dangerous’.

“We urge anyone considering making this illegal voyage to reconsider, as it is not worth your life,” she said.

Since Oct. 1, 2022, Coast Guard crews interdicted or encountered 1,620 Dominican migrants.

The Coast Guard said once aboard a Coast Guard cutter, migrants receive food, water, shelter, and basic medical attention.

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