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Hawaii Wildfires Leave 36 Dead – President Biden Declares A Major Disaster


US President Joe Biden has declared a major disaster in Hawaii, where fast-moving wildfires have resulted in 36 deaths.

Biden’s declaration means the federal government will provide funding to assist in the wake of the wildfires.

Raging blazes have trapped locals and visitors in Maui county, Hawaii, where strong winds have hampered fire control efforts.

The fires have also displaced hundreds of families.

In addition, fires have broken out on the Big Island.

Officials who have activated the Hawaii National Guard said the priority is to save lives.

But they said it was too early to assess the scale of the destruction.

CBS News reported that much of Hawaii was under a red flag warning for fire risk when the wildfires broke out, but the exact cause of the blaze is still unknown.

CBS quoted the National Weather Service saying that the powerful winds from Hurricane Dora fanned the flames.

Dora was moving across the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles south of the Hawaiian islands.



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