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Coolie Town Resident Formally Charged With Murder, Remanded To BCF


On Friday, police formally charged Coolie Town, Marigot resident Junior Henry with murder in the death of 43-year-old Prentice St. Luce of the same community.

St. Luce sustained injuries in a physical altercation and was pronounced dead days later.

The police issued the following statement on the matter:

Headline photo: Internet stock image.

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  1. In this banana alcoholic republic the only way is to kill your own to solve crime because our justice system is just-ice where the law is an ASS

  2. Only in Saint Lucia are the facial identities of criminals protected!!! The problem is apparently way deeper than the crime itself– magistrates, lawyers, the legislative branch of government, rslpf are all involved. You cannot tell me that your laws are so strict that charged/ suspects mug shots are secretive. mazheeeee

  3. Again, our healthcare sucks. A simple operation would have saved his life but apparently our doctors could not even see the pucture. Apparently they just put a plaster on the bobo and got rid of the patient.

  4. smh so why did the okeu hospital drop him one day after? when they could have held him for observation? so yall didnt do any Xray to see how bad his inside were to notice that he had small intestinal perforations? Yall just stitch and drop him a day later? This is real negligence on the Hospitals part

  5. Guess he couldn’t afford the x-ray so they let him go without proper care, what a world we living in

  6. As a black woman I can’t understand why some of use still use the C….. word. And the gull of the government to have a town named by it. Why are the Indians not putting an end to this. Come on St. Lucian, we are leaving in the 21st century, please, put and end to that name.

  7. @Polius:- Marchand was once known as ‘Monkey Hill’ but that was changed. Some villages by any other name, will smell just as bad. Its not the village, but the attitude.

  8. But wait, he was discharged from hospital but died from the same injuries?? So the doctors did not do what was necessary? I blame the one who stabbed him but the medical professionals need some blame also. Did he die from injury or the lack of care, could it have been avoided? I think we need more answers

  9. Yes in states they show Mug shots. The young dies too soon. Small island tooo much crime. Who gonna retire there.sad.sad state of country. Fix it !!

  10. Be patient my people,till the LORD calls (calling)
    Therefore, the judge is at the door ❗
    Judgement is mine,says the LORD GOD Almighty ‼️
    Blessed is he who has his eyes on the LORD ❗ The LORD will protect and preserve his life…
    As the mountain of St Lucia 🇱🇨 surrounds St Lucia,So the LORD Surrounds his people now and forever ❗


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