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Two People Rushed To Hospital After Accidents In Bexon


Emergency responders from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) rushed two people to the OKEU Hospital on Wednesday after separate vehicle incidents at Ravine Poission, Bexon.

Initially, the responders learned of a single-vehicle accident.

But on arrival, they discovered that a vehicle had run off the road, and there had also been a three-vehicle collision.

SLFS spokeswoman Stacy Joseph said the responders transported the driver of the vehicle that veered off the road.

She disclosed that the driver was the sole vehicle occupant.

Joseph said the SLFS crew also transported an individual who was a passenger in a minibus involved in the three-vehicle collision.

According to the SLFS Communications Officer, both patients  sustained bodily injuries and were stable.

Headline photo: Stock Image

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  1. Bexon again??? why every so often there are so many road accidents? dat place must be modi. Is it the road or is it the drivers? beside that there always seem to have some violence. I guess it takes a special type of people to live there and to put up with that.


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