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Fedee Laments ‘Significant Declines’ In Saint Lucia Tourism


Former Tourism Minister Dominic Fedee has lamented what he described as ‘significant declines’ in the Saint Lucia tourism industry and what he said was the worst low season he has ever seen.

“Our airlift is in a mess. The season is the worst I have ever seen in a low season. I have never seen the economic contraction,” the former Anse La Raye MP declared.

Fedee spoke Wednesday in concluding remarks to an opposition United Workers Party (UWP) press conference marking World Tourism Day.

“Right now, the UK market is down twenty percent. The US market – the last report I saw for July suggests the US market is down by thirty-four percent,” the former Minister stated.

“These are significant declines in terms of the output of our industry,” he asserted.

He told the press conference if the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority data suggest Saint Lucia’s two main markets are down overall in double digits, it spells trouble.

Fedee said it was time for the tourism industry and policymakers to return to the drawing board.

He indicated that the objective should be to examine what is needed and ensure Saint Lucia perfects and maximises opportunities from traditional markets.

The former MP explained that the US and UK markets are essential.

In addition, he declared that Saint Lucia must address the airlift situation, presenting a comprehensive strategy to the airlines for growth, inclusiveness and prosperity.

“Show them that Saint Lucia is a destination of great opportunity for them to do business and for us to build a strong coalition for expansion for both our destination and their business,” Fedee observed.

He also spoke of the need to inspire young people to become more involved and change the services tourism offers.

“There are so many other services that we can offer the world as a tourism service destination,” Fedee stated.

“We have got to expand faster. We have got to buttress investment,” the former Tourism Minister pointed out.

Headline photo: Dominic Fedee (Stock image)

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  1. Their usual chatter and bellows ONLY when they are in office everything or anything in this country is up. This government doesn’t inten to substitute any airline with a quarter of our GDP just so our citizens can buy American food. Their were airlift issues while you were in office, you fools even chased away Virgin Airlines, back in the day your head clown gave American Airlines USD$ 20 million subcidy to come here (fact) this was stopped by The Honorable PJP who told them to go if they could not strike a better deal. Going back further on the UWP track record we all know how your head clown throw out air Jamaica back in the day costing the country millions in tourism dollars, lost and the countless jobs as well. So don’t talk your nonsense when UWP Track Record speaks for itself.

  2. You are so right Mr. Fedee cause I remember clearly under uwp in the slow season there was always a cruise ship if is at least one a week or every two weeks but as soon as the season closed and these guys got into power no cruise ship this entire slow season I never see a thing like that.

  3. Fedee a goat you is man? you eh see endless crime from narcotics to gun violence going on with no fruitful interventions by law enforcement. You expect people to come risk their money and lives here. smh get real

  4. What do you expect with the explosion of murders and crime in St. Lucia? And how about the road conditions and frequent wrecks? Would-be visitors from the US and UK are not sure it will be safe to travel from the airport across the island to a resort.

  5. @ma malay build a cruise ship and sail it, politricks thats what you like scandals and abuse. There are cruise ships all the time Fedee should stop his rumors. build the ship they will travel.

  6. ppl hearing and see the crime thats on the island you think they want to come down in that mess, since you dont care, as your name says ma malay. go figure it out.

  7. My issue with ALL OF YOU is all u nvr have the facts to read. Numbers, Data etc. Come with the report or data sheet, read it and then tell us where to get the info. I don’t know if tourism is down but I can feel there is a general decline of night life and social life Islandwide. Maybe it’s me but……..

  8. Remember in the land of blind one eye man is king. Unfortunately, everything has its fair share of disaster and both UWP and SLP are clueless.

  9. Allu want to blame it on crime no its the slp ministers racial remarks they don’t like white people but yall want their money I’m assuming that’s why carnival ships not coming here anymore

    What papishow you self coming and talk there. Where are the cruise ships? You see it not affecting you so will say anything that comes to your mind cause apparently you are not a taxi a driver. Go and ask any taxi driver that working Point seraphine and by la Place carenage and ask them when last there was a ship in the port as the season closed as in right now . I my self working in town I always passing by the warf every single day you that want to tell me cruise ships coming? Chewps

  11. Dominic many of us are ready to kick out this dismal SLP but what can you offer?
    There cannot be any more Fresh Starts. There must be transparency and accountability in contracts. Tenders even for direct financed projects. Competent contractors must be allowed to provide quality work at the right non-inflated price. People must be prioritised when megs projects are conceived. No more sagging roundabouts at Union. Will you use eminent domain to take bach the Bananes Bay land and use it to its maximum potential for the people. There are certain individuals in UWP hierarchy that must stand aside as their reputations are tarnished. The UWP will win the next election if they include these promises in their next election manifesto. St. Lucians are fed up with this government and its corrupt PR team. They have been fed misinformation by a perhaps compromised and maybe dishonest press segment including pot bangers, bazooka men, bank robbers, bomb hoaxers and Jany the faux journalist. Can the UWP do better?

  12. It will be worse unfortunately, this war with Russia Vs Ukraine is already causing all cost to jump and people have begone to go out on Strike for better pay; since the employers have to pay more, investors demands will cause prices to reflect a benefit for them, and so the Cooky crumbles along with the Tourism business. Sorry to break it to you, things will get worse soon. May I suggest a bigger and Larger BCF, a bigger and better equipped Police Force? you will need it. A HUNGRY MAN IS AN ANGRY MAN.


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