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Albert-Poyotte Cites Labour Department Neglect Amid Restructuring Plans


Labour Minister Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte has lamented the Labour Department’s neglect while addressing the unit’s restructuring plans.

“”In my view, the Labour Department is a Department that has been neglected over the years,” the Babonneau MP stated.

She disclosed that a Labour Department audit conducted a few years ago could inform the unit’s restructuring.

“There was an audit that was done of the Department a few years ago and it actually revealed some very telling information that can be used to restructure the Labour Department,” the former trade unionist told reporters.

Albert-Poyotte also said a Department needs assessment has been done.

“We are pulling out the findings of the needs assessment and the management audit so we can prepare a clear action plan on how we move forward with the Department of Labour,” the Minister revealed.

She said the 2017 management audit had, among its recommendations, a strategic plan.

Albert-Poyotte, also responsible for the Public Service, wanted the Labour Department to be ‘up to speed’ with the International Labour Organization, recommendations, and conventions that the government must adhere to.

She believed many people do not understand the Department’s importance in productivity, development, and addressing workers’ issues.

In addition, the Minister told reporters that the government was reviewing the Labour Act.

She indicated that trade unions and employers had raised issues regarding some aspects of the legislation.



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  1. Albert -Poyotte are u saying that the previous Administration neglected the Labour Dept. So what was your now colleague, King boasting about. After the man is a failure at Infrastructure, like your colleagues eluded to the last 5 yrs, now you’re saying that he is aso a failure in Labour. So Lucians, here you hv it. We been putting failures in govt as Parliamentary Reps and forget they fail at whatever portfolio they are gvn. We vote because we receive handouts =, like cash b 4 elections and cutting grass contracts. I hope next election we reject ALL FAILURES, whether they Blue, red or yellow.

  2. This department and some apparent incompetent workers continue to mislead employees. Get those who are government operatives out! They are seen blatantly campaigning on trucks celebrating for SLP ..and right after they are promoted.. That’s one of the things wrong with this place…those ae not fit for this very important department. Incompetent with lots of words and empty heads!

  3. Talking of incompetents, see who is talking; as Rep for Barbonneau, we’ve had two murderers locked up in so called prison st Babonneau, they both by whatever reason just walked out, never be captured – couldn’t care less – mysteriously how could a murderer, without Radio alert Island wide was able to leave the Country and arrive in Jamaica, without assistance? now you come with your foot in your mouth saying how the ‘Labour Dept. failed over 4 Yrs’ who do you think you’re fooling? go ask Queen who has been there before you.

  4. The people who are suffering the most are the ones who rush to the constituency office for T-shirts to campaign . They are the ones who work for 3 EC dollars an hour . Let them suffer

  5. Smoke and mirrors, while the people suffer. Both parties are to blame, along with the sheep who carry out their orders. No one gets justices not even supporters. When the foreign investors realize that we do not provide justice to our own people they happily continue to rape us of our resources.


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