On Monday the University Of St. Martin (USM) announced the appointment of Saint Lucian Dr. Gale T C Rigobert as its new Dean of Academics.
A university release described Rigobert as a ‘highly accomplished individual’ with a distinguished education, governance, and public service career.
The release said she is ready to lead the USM academic community into the future.
Dr. Rigobert previously served as Minister for Education, Innovation, Gender Relations, and Sustainable Development in Saint Lucia.
She also served as Deputy Political leader of Saint Lucia’s United Workers Party (UWP) and was the former MP for Micoud North.
According to the USM, Rigobert’s dedication to education, innovation, and sustainable development makes her a fitting candidate to lead the University’s academic affairs.
The learning institution noted that her impressive resumé goes beyond her impressive national ministerial track record to include a sterling career regionally and internationally.
Rigobert lectured at The University of the West Indies (UWI) for roughly eight years and was a visiting scholar at SPRU, Sussex University.
The USM recalled that earlier this year, she concluded a very successful stint as a Visiting Fellow at the Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre (IGDC) at York University in the United Kingdom.
Rigobert currently serves as Chair of the External Advisory Board of the IGDC.
The USM expects her leadership to usher in a new era of growth and excellence at the University.
“Her determination to foster academic excellence as well as social responsibility is a promising sign of things to come,” the University release stated.
Congrats Gail. While the hacks in st. Lucia are still fighting each other red and yellow and they are still unemployed still fighting for crumbs from slp you are gainfully employed bravo.
does anyone have a picture of her when she had hair?
Well-done Gale. Proud of you and your accomplishment.
Nevertheless, “A prophet is not without honor –except in his/her own land, and among her own people”! Do well, Gail!
GAIL CAME SHE SAW, SHE LAUGHED, SHE CONQUERED AND SHE LEFT. Now the ppl of Micoud have a Beast of a Rep. Truth be told i don’t even know who is the rep in Micoud. Clealry Gale mind was not on serving the ppl of Micoud. She took care of her family and herself. She knew when to bow out as she relasied she was of no use a Rep. WELL DONE. Only KDA, PJP, MUssah and the others who been there for yeasr would do. Even SPider has bowed out – Good Riddance
Congrats Gale !! – I have always loved
Congrats Gale
Congratulations Gale
Doh mind them Aunty Gale. Yo te’ kweh ou kar tohbay. Enjoy and make us proud#
I did not vote for you but hands down, you were the best rep Micoud has had strictly in terms of the projects completed- Best road network since forever, Health Center, Early childhood center, Micoud Secondary school are a few accomplishments you can boast of during your term as a government parliamentarian.
Now our rep that I voted for boasts of expansion of a cemetery… I guess we are expecting persons to die under this administration.
Bonjour Gail, felicitations; I am overjoyed and beyond being happy.
When a young Lady achieves her goal, be it in Academics, Med: Science, Law or whatever, it makes me very proud of her, St. Lucia should be proud of her. Yesterday we had Sir. Arthur Lewis – now today is Lady Rigobert; we love you Gail, you were above what was there in Micoud – but don’t forget that little ‘ROCK’ where we were all born. I remember you with your beautiful PEARL Necklaces, broad smile with pearly white teeth, lovely enticing lips, with eyes that tells a thousand love stories; may the good lord keep blessing you, and we love you.
Truth speak for yourself
@ Micoud. Thanks for my best laugh for the day @ “Now our rep that I voted for boasts of expansion of a cemetery… I guess we are expecting persons to die under this administration.”
congratulations 🎊 👏 💐
@ma malay Most times it’s better if we just don’t make any comments… Or should i ask you what difference would it make whether she use to have hair or not?
Brava to a highly intelligent and classy lady, who is making SLU proud.
All politics aside – this is what St Lucian women should aspire to. Integrity and a sense of purpose.
No one fully knows how the body responds pre and post menopause . Lots of women are losing their hair. I am one who experienced this and had to shave my head bald for a few years. I made a hair oil from herbs and some stuff from my pantry and my hair has grown drastically with just a small visible spot. I may bottle it to sell. By the way, I know Gale personally and she had a full head of thick hair. So we can never tell when it is our turn.
@Micoud dammed if you do dammed if you don’t, clown. What say you about the jetty that floated away
@theFOX, you made me blush for Gale we.
Sigh- May I remind you that I voted for Jeremiah in Micoud. So I am quite aware of all Gales failures.
Apart from the football tournament, please tell after two years what has he accomplished in Micoud North. I voted for better representation and what I am getting definitely isn’t it. Expansion of a cemetery is not something to boast about I’m sorry. There are other priorities apart from the dead which needs more urgent attention.
@ Sigh – If it floated away, it was not by her not trying for Micoud. Could be a number of factors; maybe bad weather at sea, inadequate Foundation, faulty workmanship – at least she tried, the one before her was there for + + + + years what did he do?
Are you trying to be cynical, commenting on the lady’s hair?
When will some of us try to uplift ourselves, given the numerous avenues to do so!
Be careful, your perceived joke might be a real one, but it might be on you!
Congratulations to you we are proud of you