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7-Year-Old Pedestrian Struck By Vehicle In Castries


Emergency personnel from Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) Headquarters rushed a 7-year-old boy to the OKEU Hospital on Wednesday after a pickup truck struck him on St. Louis Street, Castries.

The SLFS responded with a fire truck and an ambulance after learning of the incident at about 4:00 p.m.

The responders transported the boy, who was in school uniform and stable condition, to the hospital.

The youngster had sustained abrasions to his lower body.

The Fire Service recorded 11,347 ambulance responses up to October 2023 and transported 11,711 patients to medical facilities.

Trauma resulting from incidents, including physical assaults and road accidents, resulted in 1, 906 ambulance responses.

Emergency personnel transported two thousand two hundred and fifteen trauma patients during the review period.

Regarding road accidents, the SLFS has noted a need for greater compliance with traffic regulations and attention to road safety.

The organisation observed that, generally, people need to give more attention to safety, whether on the road, on construction sites, or at home.

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  1. Poor little guy, people watch out for the children crossing roads early give them and old people leeway…. Smh this is so sad 7 years old!…. Woiiii Hope he feels better.

  2. Sorry to read this as it could have been fatal. But this is inevitable! When we allow side walks to deteriorate and crowded with vendors trays, children and pedestrians are force to road.
    The careless attitude of stepping on the road and expecting vehicles to stop immediately is madness no one looks left and right and ensure it is safe to cross.
    Drivers stopping to speak wherever with no regard to other road users
    Traffic lights and crossing frequently out of service and therefore drivers fail to comply when operational.
    The list is endless in St.lucia where we are happy! My party is government I say and do as I please you can do me anything. The Red and Yellow goggle wears refuse to accept standards.

  3. The managers of a properly functioning urban space will control how people of all ages, traverse the streets and the sidewalks in a safe manner. Sorry to hear about this poor kid- hope he bounces back quickly. Since the government does not have an urban renewal arm, the city is left to die a faster and brutal death!!!


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