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Saint Lucian Recovers Hacked WhatsApp Account


After losing his WhatsApp account to a hacker, a Saint Lucian has managed to recover it after a few days.

The victim, whom we will call ‘Jayden Marius’ for easy reference, said after losing access to WhatsApp earlier this month, his contacts had been receiving requests from the hacker for ‘Nira,’ the currency Nigeria uses.

Marius had unwittingly shared a six-digit code the hacker requested.

However, after numerous e-mails back and forth with WhatsApp, he accessed the service after submitting a report and screenshots of the hacker’s money requests to contacts.

“Apparently, the person who hacked my account set up a two-step verification, which I did not have,” Marius told St. Lucia Times.

He explained that the verification requires an e-mail address to reset the account.

But although the hacker’s e-mail had become the reset source, Marius said WhatsApp sent him another code, eventually allowing him to re-access his account and messages.

He disclosed that he then set up a two-step verification and implemented other WhatsApp security measures.

He has advised other WhatsApp users to do the same.

Marius expressed relief that everything was ‘back to normal’ after contacting individuals who had blocked his number because they had received numerous requests from the hacker for money.

He said he reached the  contacts through other messaging platforms, requesting that they unblock him.


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  1. I anticipate a lot of “naysayers” to this article. Unfortunately, a lot of social media users pay no attention to the security features recommended on these platforms, then when it works against them, they blame the system. Typical!! A 2-step verification is crucial in securing an account from hackers. Sometimes, it could seem to be tedious, but better be safe than sorry. Another feature which social media users should pay attention to is “find my phone” which can give the location of your stolen or misplaced phone. There are instructions on how it works on your phone. A friend of mine found his phone at Bois Patat – he lives in Bisee. The gentleman in the article was lucky in that he knew exactly what to do (after a while), and was able to save his account. Take note people, some hackers and stealers can be stupid in their efforts.

  2. Smh lol , older people especially who are using technology but still avert to learn exactly what they are doing will be prime targets. Instead of sending stupid pictures to all contacts say good morning or please fwd this message nonsense learn to use the apps properly!

  3. @smh some of them have the latest phone but it never have money on it but always asking people to make a quick call especially these females


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