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Three People Rushed To Hospital After Vehicle Accident In Gros Islet

Three people sustained various injuries after a vehicle overturned at Massade, Gros Islet, on Tuesday.

Emergency personnel at the Gros Islet Fire Station learned of the incident at about 12:39 p.m.

The emergency crew received information that the SUV with three occupants had overturned.

Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) Communications Officer Stacy Joseph said that the Babonneau Fire Station and the Saint Lucia Red Cross assisted in the response to the accident.

Joseph disclosed that the three accident victims’ injuries included abrasions, lacerations, and a possible leg fracture.

They were all in stable condition en route to the OKEU Hospital, which received them for further medical treatment.

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  1. The road wrecks in St. Lucia are frequent and impressive — not in a good way. So many overturned and crumpled vehicles. Makes a tourist think twice about visiting and having to be transported over your roads to reach lovely resorts.

  2. Transport Economics. In conjunction with the Ministry policies much urgent and needed revenues can be raised by vehicle spot checks for insurance, road worthiness, tail lights, reckless driving, and endangering pedestrians. Also applicable to motorcycles. Fines and levies. Minibuses are NOT exempted too

  3. Did I just read that an accident happened a stone throw away from the Gros Islet Fire Station and the Babonneau Fire Station responded?
    Somebody wake me up!!!

  4. After receiving a call at 12:39pm, how long did it take emergency personnel from Babonneau and Red Cross at Vigie to arrive Massade threw the midday traffic, knowing there are no Emergency Lanes for these vehicles? There are times when the sirens cannot get them through the traffic. At least the victims didn’t have life threatening injuries.

  5. To Sensible. Potential tourists read a lot more than glossy brochures with pretty pictures in deciding on a vacation destination. Such as this publication. And comments by other visitors. Road conditions are definitely a negative for the tourism industry in St. Lucia. As is the current crime wave.


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