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French Navy Seizes A Record 3.5 Tonnes Of Cocaine Off Barbados


The French Navy patrol vessel La Combattante made a record seizure of 3.5 tonnes of cocaine on the high seas southeast of Barbados on Tuesday.

According to the Forces Armées Aux Antilles Facebook page, La Combattante crew intervened after aerial location and tracking of a fishing vessel.

The crew seized 119 bales weighing 3.5 tonnes, all of which tested cocaine-positive.

The French Navy crew handed the cargo and the individuals aboard the vessel carrying the illicit substance to Venezuelan authorities at sea.

So far this year, French forces, cooperating with their allies, have seized almost ten tonnes of narcotics.

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  1. Weird story French navy captures boat with cocaine off Barbados and handed boat and crew over to Venezuela navy. What does this have to do with Barbados? None of the boats were in Barbados territorial waters. If they were the French, Venezuelans and the drug runners would all be subject to arrest by Barbados coast guard for illegal entry into Barbados maritime space. Why tarnish Barbados with this crap. The report should read, “Drug runners captured in Caribbean Sea.” End of story.

  2. @Anderson, learn to read and understand, the article states “southeast of Barbados”, this does not mean within the territorial waters of Barbados. Also Barbados is in the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Oh Really you fool if Barbados is not in the Caribbean neither is Trinidad or Tobago, Antigua, the Bahamas etc. Because of the meeting and intermixing of the Atlantic and Caribbean the archipelago of islands are located in the Caribbean according to geographers. Take a look at any map of the Caribbean Sea if you can read.

  4. @Anderson, if you believe the Bahamas are in the Caribbean Sea, then theres no point continuing this conversation. Lastly, there is a difference between being in the Caribbean Region and in the Caribbean Sea.


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