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Missing Babonneau Resident Found


Police have reported that  a missing Babonneau resident, Calixtus O’ Reilly, has been found.

The fifty-nine-year old, also known as Silvensen, had been missing for about three weeks after last being seen in Castries.

The police had appealed to the public for information regarding his whereabouts.

There are no further details at this time.



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  1. It’s very disrespectful to the public to give such scant updates on matters that the public has invested itself both emotionally and physically! Where was the missing man found? How is he doing? Are there existing issues that might result in him going missing again in short order? etc., etc., etc. Just now people will not give a rat’s rear end when notices are given about missing persons –because there is no respect for the public!

  2. “Truth be Told” pay chou…do you have money, clothes and food to give the family on his behalf.Maybe the family limits information in order to limit contact . He was found, case closed. I would like to know how you invested your time in finding him? Please do tell! Next time document it so you can be awarded! V!eux ch!en
    Selfless acts are done with zero expectations. The man was found, let the chapter be closed.


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