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Police Emergency Numbers 999, 911 Temporarily Unavailable


Due to unforeseen circumstances the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force emergency numbers 999 and 911 are temporarily unavailable.

For emergencies, the public is hereby advised to dial the numbers 4563990 and 4516816 or contact the nearest police station: Efforts to restore the normal operation of the emergency system are ongoing.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding. An update will be provided as soon as the service is restored.

Below is a list of the contact numbers for the various police stations:

Gros Islet 4563830

Rodney Bay 4564061

Babonneau 4564120

Central Police Station
(Castries) 4563850

CID Castries 4563770

Marchand 4563885

Marigot 4563895

Canaries 4563610

Anse la raye 4563600

Soufriere 4563620

Choiseul 4563635

Micoud 4563670

Vieux fort 4563905

Laborie 4563645

Richfond 4563690

Dennery 4564090

SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force



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  1. My goodness! So the free 911 or 999 emergency numbers are unavailable. What happens if you have no credit … how are you calling the numbers listed….I swear this country is the pits!

  2. @Anonymous expect the unexpected in this Banana Republic, i mention before god turn his back on this plot of waste land. Everything operates here like a wild cow pasture, with mules, hyenas in the mix. The minister for national security have no interest but to collect money from the various portfolios he hold and refuse to relinquish any for the interest of his own country, how these people sleep it ponders me tbh.

  3. It is unbelievable that some of you people were actually born and bred in Saint Lucia. Most of you have no such petty complaints when the same things happen in the so-called developed countries where you live, patiently, as second class citizens. Have you folks never heard of temporary telecommunications breakdowns? SMH!

  4. Things like that will happen and we should expect the unfortunate. What we do not have is a recovery system or a proper back up plan for business continuity in the event of a system failure.
    We do not have a proper system in place. Therefore there is no preparedness for any business continuity in the event of a disaster or some unforeseen events.
    There should be a post mortem and get some lessons learnt to prepare for the future. Our leaders have no clue of what is going on.
    The more things change in SLU – the more things remain the same.


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