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Police Identify Victim Of Fatal Accident In Dennery


Police have identified the victim of Thursday’s fatal accident at La Caye, Dennery, as Jeannakim Tibrune of Leslie Land, Castries.

Initial police investigations indicate that the twenty-three-year-old was in a truck that veered off the road.

The deceased was a passenger in the truck, which, when it ran off the road, caused injuries to the driver and five others who were on board.

However, a police release disclosed that the injuries were not life-threatening.

The release said the truck was traveling southbound when the accident occurred.

Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) personnel attended to the victims and conveyed Jeannakim Tibrune to the Owen King European Union (OKEUH), where a medical practitioner confirmed his death.

Saint Lucia has recorded three road deaths so far in 2024.

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  1. Stop traveling in the back of trucks……it’s so dangerous. There’s enough gang killing our young men as it is. Condolences to the family.


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