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Police Probe Fatal Stabbing In Dennery, Shooting In Bocage


Saint Lucia police are investigating a stabbing in Dennery that claimed the life of a young man said to be in his twenties.

The incident occurred after 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday and allegedly involved two siblings, one of whom is a teenager.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded twelve homicides in 2024.

In addition to the fatal stabbing, police are investigating a shooting incident at Bocage, Castries that occurred at about 8:15 p.m.

Two men sustained gunshot injuries that did not appear to be life-threatening.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting were not immediately apparent.

However, reports indicate that both men received private transportation to a medical facility.


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  1. The carnage will not subside until apprehension and punishments become deterrents. We are administering as if we were back in the sixties. Our method of governance must change with the times. Today’s politicians are very self centered. They only care when there is something in it for them. There are almost no role models for the youths to emulate and I mean not even their parents, far less the politicians who are all on the same boat, regardless of color. It will take a very long term strategy or a miracle to see sustainable changes in our way of life.

  2. And the carnage continues while infantiles ask for prayers as if prayers were not already going up to heaven by those who see themselves as the purveyors of pie in the sky and the afterlife….I WILL SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN….YOU CAN KEEP PRAYING…. BRAYING BRAYING BRAYING, AND NOTHING WILL COME OF IT TILL YOU IGNORANT AND SUPERSTITIOUS LOT PUT POLICY IN PLACE, POLICIES THAT WILL MAKE THE LIVES OF CRIMINALS MISERABLE, ONLY THEN WILL YOU SEE A REDUCTION IN CRIME….I am certain those who call for prayer are already doing a whole heep of knee bending, praying to their sky god to lend a hand but they are to idiotic and stupid to realise the sky god ain’t answering or not interested or simply just don’t give a toss or more accurately…he does not exist….but by all means carry on braying braying braying, braying….like a donkey… nothing will change….in the meantime…the carnage will continue….why you ask dear Coco flow? Because incompetent leaders are not held accountable for not putting things in place that would make the public safe …and the masses just sit back and accept the status quo…. braying is the easy bit keep on braying and braying and braying and bray some more…..


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