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Francis Says Management The Problem With RSLPF

Former National Security Minister Hermangild Francis has declared that the problem with the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) is its management.

He spoke of the need for training.

“We need that intervention. People blame the police officers for not being able to stem the flow of the crime or to be able to solve them,” Francis noted.

“Where are the police officers getting the training that they need? There’s Junior Command Part One, Junior Command Part Two, Senior Command in Jamaica. A police officer has not gone there for the last fifteen years because of the Leahy Law. There’s the FBI Academy, there’s Hendon in England, there’s Bramshill in England for senior officers. They have not gotten any of that sort of training,” the former Minister observed.

He also referred to the appointment of Mrs. Crusita Descartes-Pelius as the Island’s first female police commissioner, suggesting it was not a good move.

Descartes-Pelius received her appointment for one year, effective September 1, 2023.

In announcing her appointment, a government statement said the expectation was to see a comprehensive professional training programme for senior officers to cultivate strong leadership and usher in a new cadre of leadership within the police force.

But Hermangild Francis questioned the police commissioner’s ability.

“The problem with the police force is its management. Then, (Prime Minister) Philip Pierre makes that kind of decision to bring back a retired female police officer whom I love to death. She is a very good friend. Her husband was in the fire service. We got along well. But her ability and knowledge of policing lack and to put at this time somebody like that would not work,” Francis asserted.

During a recent appearance on Rev-Up SLU 97.1, the former Minister spoke highly of former Assistant Commissioner of Police Frances Henry.

At one time, Henry was tipped to become Saint Lucia’s first female police chief.

“Had Frances been in the police force today and they had made her Commissioner, you would have seen a difference because she commanded that sort of respect. Police officers knew that she was strong and they wouldn’t mess with her,” the former National Security Minister declared.


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  1. The Rslpf was the Best in the Caribbean .From the Date a Former Commissioner of Police Stated that No promotion if you Don’t have a Degree not Eligible for Promotion
    That’s what Crisis the Rslpf is on a Minus Zero now

  2. Francis, here is my gripe with you guys…why do you think that getting training from a foreign entity is the only way to make the RSLPF better? Why do we feel that only foreign intervention in our internal business is the only way for success? This is the fallacy that pervades our mentality. Why can’t we think..think …think…. and think of ways to develop ourselves….we don’t have to always depend foreign intervention..why can’t the authorities devise ways of moving forward?…. again this is typical of non imaginative thinkers. Do you think these foreign entities had help from other foreign entities to help develop their expertise?.. can’t we develop a tactical plan for the police force? Can we not develop an action plan to gain community trust in combating crime, can’t we not look at the where the force fall short and come up with a plan?… obviously not …..I tell you, as quick as boiled asparagus, you guys are showing how miniscule your brains are… atrophied by ignorance and limited imagination…never a dull day on this rock of non-sages….

  3. To understand the importance of training in any organization, is to understand the reason for its success or non success. Without training, organizations cling to old ineffective ways of conducting business. Sometimes there’s some training, unfortunately management doesn’t appreciate its value and stick with things they know. Is the management RSLPF open to new things?

    Sure, training deficiencies is placing a damper on performance. Even with this limitation, the police are still arresting a fair share of criminals. The problem may not be all training. The error has a large part to do with strategy. Why are the police arresting the same people over and over? This issue is beside training. Essentially, what’s happening, the police’s time is being wasted. The cop is like a hamster on a wheel. Maybe if given breathing time, the police can be better but not peak efficiency because of a lack of training.

    The key to this fiasco is holding the gun criminals once arrested…no bail. Their influence is pervasive and corrosive. This in turn, gives the police breathing space to address other issues. Gives the Commissioner time to organize training with the help of the minister who feigns security. From day one, everything has hinged upon keeping the gun criminals locked up. It takes away much of the pressure in the cooker.

  4. @C-Wiz. I beg to differ. Policing technologies are not available in St. Lucia. The modern solutions have never resided in St. Lucia and probably never will in my lifetime. Just like Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and a hosts of other countries they went outside to begin modernization. Techniques to combat terrorism, counterfeiting, interdiction and a catalogue of topics can’t be learned at La Toc. We are only deluding ourselves. Once learned, they can be tweaked locally though. We have to go where the knowledge is. St. Lucians travel to get their higher degrees overseas and this is no different. Just look around you. Do you see a font of knowledge anywhere?

  5. Herein lies the issues at hand – granted one needs to possess the necessary skills sets, which are fundamental for any career choice/policing/healthcare/fashion/catering/banking etc. etc.. However, in your 238 square miles where you all are very familiar with each other either personally and or by extension – how can effective business practices be enforced and/or implemented effectively ?????? (plus, the my girl, my boy-bayteeze) When you go to any establishment be it government or private in St. Lucia if you are known and favored you will get treated kindly. If you are not, then the opposite happens. I have personally experienced this negative behavior while visiting St. Lucia and it is a crying shame.

    [familiarity breeds contempt]

    Additionally, I had an experience when I was denied a job in St. Lucia due to my grandmother’s political affiliation. I had just left school and passed my exams and had NEVER ever voted – I then applied for a position and was granted an interview. Upon completion of a test, which I passed, I overheard the manager say “I will not give her the job because her grandmother is a Labor” — I said wow – I need to get out asap. I left St. Lucia shortly thereafter – by the way I have never voted nor have I ever been involved in politics in St. Lucia – I don’t know any of the politicians and I am neither SLP/UWP.

    I am so thankful – where I currently reside and work – we must follow policies and procedures which are set forth by the company and there are repercussions if you do not follow protocol which by the way are the same for everyone – no my girl, my boy… strictly business. I know that you guys are within 238 square miles – but this is 2024 and some of you have still not broaden your horizons and it is very unfortunate.

  6. The problem been there from time of immemorial, officers are discouraged cause they give their all only to see officers who don’t even know the job get promoted because they have a degree, be it in nothing to do with with policing , you Hermangild was part of the problem also , you were in management so that includes you , I know cause I served during your time , the best thing I did was to leave and pursue better or I would’ve been one of those demotivated officers, the RSLPF needs to go back to recognising officers for their performance during their course of duty and promote them ,they need to go back to basics or officers will just give a don’t care attitude , my take

  7. The issue with the police force is ingrained in our society. It is cultural.
    A propensity to corruption, low standards, laziness, lack of work ethic.
    The police cannot seperate their personal from their professional lives. Their work as polices is corrupted by their personal relationships and lifestyles.
    From what we hear their is collusion between the criminal underworld, certain corrupt politicians and the police in the highest echelons.
    They are therefore rightly not trusted by the public. A society where the citizenship believes the police to be corrupt, do not trust them to do their duty professionally – is doomed.
    We can also conclude that if the corruption, incompetence, lack of results, mismanagement is so ingrained then no amount of training or high tech will make any difference. The cultural propensities will overide this. It is like sending good money after bad in a business.
    We are doomed to live with this corrupt organisation unless their is a complete change by bringing in leadership to every level and allow them to do their job wirhout interference. This though is not possible because the SLP hierarchy thrive on corruption and illegal connections with the cops.
    What a sad state we are in!

  8. Why is this man still trapped in the past. I agree that training is important for the leaders of the RSLPF and Leadership acumen or the lack of it seems to be problem. However, all the institutions mentioned were utilized by the RSLPF when its officers were unable or could not afford to attend universities. Now this is something of the past. The certification offered by these universities is much higher, way higher than that obtained from the Command courses yes “courses” Francis alludes to.

    Hermangild had a perfect opportunity to help transform this organization when he was minister but instead of doing what was necessary he ventured along the path of political mischief and partisan promotion, further destabilizing this failing organization.

    Moving forward, I believe that every officer in the hierarchy of the RSLPF should be management trained, for there lies the problem – Management. Having an accounting, law or criminal justice degree does not make one a manager or leader. There are several universities out there offering police leadership degrees, why not look there for a start – instead of talking about the FBI and police courses in the year 2024. Let’s talk leadership degrees Mr. Francis. Now this alone will not transform that organization since there are maaaany other issues to be dealt with, but its an important start in the right direction. And while I am at it, there are some officers with leadership qualifications and abilities across the rank and file of this organization but they are being victimized and marginalized by the incompetents at the helm. What a mess!!!

    And I see he has highlighted the term “retired female officer” when referring to the current lady occupying that office. I wish to state that this practice first started with Francis. However, I see nothing wrong with it providing the individual has the skills and competence necessary for transforming that organization. As far as I am concerned the COP does not have Ben have to be a police officer – but rather a good administrator with vision and the ability to undertake change management while battling political interference.

  9. He is right it’s management that’s the problem there because if u are not reporting to them and taking their sides crapo smoke your pipe no matter how good of an officer you are. They sending good officers on training because they know they are respectable honest and can do the job well but when it comes to promotion they choose their friends even if they cannot do a good job. Also officers that deserve promotions are being over looked simply because their sibling was involved in operation restore confidence and no matter what they say they do know that officer involved in orc was a good officer. His brother is in the force honest and doing a good job but they are overlooking him even when he attends interviews for pro motion and does well.! I am saying what I know because he is my blood . Everything in Stlucia use go you know that is why we will always remain backward and cannot move forward. Politicians comes in office and fire or demote people that are doing a good job simply because they did not vote them . They don’t care what significant contribution the person can make. I hate that practice in Stlucia and as long as it continues and everything is done because of preferences or you being my friend or friend to someone i know then we will never move forward. God is alive and watching. So Mr Francis feel free to express your opinion and yes you were there and made mistakes like all others but the good thing is you are willing to point out what the problem is but please continue to do so regardless of who is in office. Peace and love


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