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Pierre Concerned About Haiti Situation

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre expressed concern about the Haiti situation at Monday’s regular pre-Cabinet press briefing.

He explained that the Haiti situation was very complicated and solutions are not easy to find.

“It’s historical. It’s strategic. Haiti is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of resources (and) in terms of the capability of Haiti,” the Saint Lucia Prime Minister stated.

He observed that many solutions to the country’s issues have been tried.

Noting the involvement of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders, Pierre explained that the region’s resources are limited.

CARICOM appointed former Saint Lucia Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony to lead an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) to facilitate a framework agreement on a transitional governance arrangement to take Haiti to free and fair elections.

Nevertheless, the country’s crisis has become worse.

Asserting that the deteriorating situation in Haiti has not attracted the speed and urgency it requires, Dominican Republic President Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona warned last week that the country is on the edge of a civil war.

The Dominican Republic and Haiti are neighbours, sharing the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

Abinader told the United Nations that Haiti’s collapse would threaten his country and the region.

“That is why I wish to caution the international community today that the Dominican Republic will fight with all its might to avoid being dragged into the same abyss as Haiti,” Abinader said.

“Our slogan from now on will be either we fight together to save Haiti, or we will fight alone to protect the Dominican Republic,” he declared.

Photo: Stock image.

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  1. Beloved leader you are so right. The SLP must help our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Our party must give free movement of Haitians to our country. The same way those imperialists in the US and UK give asylum to everyone, we can do better as a socialist party and welcome the Haitians. Thr SLP had shown that Chastenet gave foreigners land then we must correct this and take this same land, for instance Cabot and Vieux Fort and resettle our brothers there. I know that brother Richard, Alva and Moses will all endorse this.

  2. Did i miss something?


    What concern do you Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre have regarding the crime situation in St Lucia?????

  3. That’s the usual poli-trick-shun approach: be “concerned” to get press attention, do nothing and don’t give a hoot.
    And the Oscar goes to another false pretender. Lying through the teeth so much, no floss required.
    Rinse and repeat for any news item, just fill in the _________.

  4. So you’re not concerned about the situation in St Lucia cause it’s crickets from the Minister of National Security!

  5. Once again a minister of govt is concerned. Can we rename or rebrand this govt as ‘The Concerned Group’ So are we admitting that KDA was part of a Failed Group of Ex PM Who Failed Haiti?

  6. I’m speechless, all of y’all that quick to answer anytime someone say he isn’t doing enough about crime. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Awa, awa . We hv no leadership in this country. Chas spoke about crime and did nothing and now we hv an idiot that afraid to take serious actions against criminals

  7. Haiti has been sold out to a ‘wicked entity’ for a long time. The evil embedded in the system has been there for generations and I’m afraid it cannot be eradicated by either military means or by a change in Government, so forget it.
    The situation is a Spiritual cum Tribal (originally native to a distinct Cult believed maybe to be of Senegal origin way before days of Slavery) the French had a hard time controlling them, but they would listen to and do the commands only of their native leader/s.
    I do strongly believe, though Catholicism has tried, but because of the ‘times shortly ahead’ things will change due mainly of Christian efforts, that the Holy Spirit of the Almighty will cause a dramatic change in the affairs of this poor Land, praise be to the Almighty.
    St Lucia, better open your eyes; the same or worse can happen to you, your ways, your habits, your lax way of life, your Carnival life-style, drinking, gang-land shooting, your Godlessness; soon the Signs will apear, so open your eyes and look up. Our God will not leave Haiti alone.


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