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Pierre Provides Update On Minister’s ‘Medical Emergency’


On Tuesday, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre updated reporters regarding what his office described as a ‘medical emergency’ experienced by Home Affairs Minister Dr. Virginia Albert-Poyotte the day before.

“I think that she is stabilised, and I hope that things work out for her. Our thoughts and our concerns are with her and her family,” Pierre said.

He disclosed that the Babonneau MP suffered a ‘major illness’.

Pierre told reporters that as a result,  Micoud North MP Jeremiah Norbert would oversee Albert-Poyotte’s duties.

However, the PM explained that until his swearing-in, Norbert would not be a government Minister.

Norbert, Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly, recently had his first stint at presiding over an entire session in the absence of Speaker, Claudius Francis.

“He would have to resign if he becomes a Minister of government,” said regarding the Micoud North MP.

“A deputy could come from anywhere else. But you are going to have a deputy. If the Honourable Jeremiah Norbert is made a Minister, he will have to resign as Deputy Speaker,” the Prime Minister stated.

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  1. Jermiah you mean to tell me you won a seat for slp and Pierre giving you only crumbs poor jab what next shameful of you

  2. Wasn’t she one of those pushing the clot shot? Would be interesting to know her diagnosis. Not just because she is a public figure but also as she was an advocate of the jibjab.

  3. All politics aside – Madam Poyotte, I wish you nothing but a speedy recovery. I hope the good Lord bring you back healthy

  4. The jibjab is doing what it’s suppose to do. Giving people major illness and death. I remember going to a doctor who desperately tried to have me and also my mom, who is a stock recovering patient, take that kill shot. I said hell no and never went back to her clinic.

  5. This lady has worked hard to be a SLP footsoldier in the Union. She must be commended and loved for leading the membership to strike whilst the flambeaus were in power no matter the increases given by them. She was equally good in keeping her membership quiet when SLP gave 0% increase. For this she should be rewarded massively. However her health problems may need a bye election. If that happens I am recommending that Honourable Richard propose Dax to run Babonneau so that he has someone strong by his side when he becomes our next pm.

  6. Aa PJP is once again concerned this time about Poyotte. He even said He “Thinks” U mean to tell me even that all u lying and masking the truth. SHE HAD A HEART ATTACK. that’s what my 2 yr old son said. If he lie tell me what she has then.

  7. That’s an update?
    PJP every time you open your mouth you end up putting your foot in it

    You think she is stabilized.
    Avaitaye !!!

  8. Since you all haters know so much, you all should know who is organizing the crimes. You all are so dirty you all don’t even know the damages you are doing to your own party. Only hate you all have.

  9. There is some truth to Mr. Fedee’s statement.Those if you who don’t know or pretending not to know please do some research in the south.
    And Madame Jean you are suppose to be a Christian… stop being bias.

  10. @loyal lady, your comment really made me chuckle. Now it’s time for a government ministers “get healthy” campaign. Every morning there should be an hour long “walk with your rep” initiative. That or make the old reps retire to make way for younger ministers.

  11. Some of you Lucians have nothing positive and encouraging to say about anyone – as my grandma used to say – if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything. I don’t know the minister and that is irrelevant – I wish the best for anyone who is dealing with a healthcare issue and as a result I wish the minister a speedy recovery.
    Some of you think you know everything about everything – put your inquiring minds to work and help your island. Amen

  12. Lucians please remember that this can happen to any of us. Today it is hers but tomorrow could be yours. It does not matter what side of the fence we are on just please show some empathy.


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