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Ali Criticises Lyrics Promoting Violence At CARICOM Summit


Guyana President Dr. Irfaan Ali criticised lyrics that promote violence on Sunday while addressing the opening of the 46th regular meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).

Guyana is hosting the event.

“In this region, we owe it to the generation ahead of us to keep our culture alive and to invest in this culture,” Ali told his audience.

He explained that the ‘distinctly different’ culture distinguishes the region from others.

“We do not need lyrics that promote violence in this region,” the Guyana leader declared.

He spoke at the summit’s opening ceremony after cultural performances, including drumming.

“We have the ability to promote good lyrics and lyrics that would move people in the positive direction and move people to think, act and behave positively,” the Guyana President stated.

“As leaders of this region, we have to take this situation very seriously and ensure that the lyrics of the region is the lyrics of Bob Marley, the lyrics of positivity and the lyrics of positive living and positive change. We must take this responsibility on today,” Ali noted.

He explained that some might feel the matter represented a ‘soft issue.’

However, Ali expressed that the issue was fundamental.

He recalled a recent conversation with Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Keith Rowley.

“Many young people, young brilliant people questioned the decision of not having a certain artiste perform in the country because authorities, based on an INTERPOL ‘Red List’,” Ali told the audience.

Ali did not call names.

However, local media reported that in June 2022, Guyana banned public performances by Jamaican dancehall artiste Kevon ‘Skeng’ Douglas.

Ali observed that the region could not allow its culture to be captured in ‘this narrative.’

“We have to lead a revolution against this narrative and reposition our culture in the way it was concieved. That is for positive living and positive upliftment,” Ali said.

“This is not about anyone or against anyone. This is for our region and for the future of the young people in this region,” he said.

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  1. YES, ban gun/murder music. Its disrespectful to the victims of crime and also promoted this negative environment we are in right now.

  2. @ Oh Really – say that to your Minister of Tourism; I believe he thinks
    anything goes as long as it attracts visitors, even the worship of evil?

  3. Yes that rubbish promotes that culture and encourage those ti neg to act out those fantasies. Every corner of casstries you hear this nonsense. Right next to schools, residences. That should be outright banned in public. Keep your filth to yourself.

  4. @The FOX, them men only care about watching young women bum bum at carnival plus they will not do anything like that to upset their voter base.

  5. This statistic may not mean anything because its too soon to tell especially without a study done into the cause of the decline in murders in Jamaica for the year 2023.

    Jamaica Murders in 2022 – 1,498
    Jamaica Bans TV and Radio content promoting illegal activity.
    Jamaica Murders in 2023 – 1,393

  6. While I understand the issue with music, we need to be realistic ..there will always be good and evil around us in music and everything else. I have been in places where I observed behavior which was unbecoming ..I simply left that environment in a hurry. You have to use wisdom many people have gotten in trouble for being at the wrong place, wrong time with the wrong crowd and then it’s too late.

    The key to surviving in the world in which we live is to develope very strong coping mechanisms for yourself in order to not get involved with deception, confusion and drama in the first place. If the songs are affecting your behavior don’t listen and do not purchase it’s that simply.

    It appears that some folk are geared towards negativity on every level. It is all about greed and money irrespective of the suffering to humanity ..the radio stations and music producers are endorsing the vulgar and gang banging music because of $$$$$ Therefore,, You have to be strong willed and not a follower in order to live this life on every level.
    Choices have consequences and very often there is no recovery and by the time you get caught up the damage has already been done. Pray for strength to become strong willed if you are lacking in that area..let your faith help you to persevere in this journey called life.


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