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Probe Opens After Fire Destroys Two Vehicles In Vieux Fort


Police are investigating the early Wednesday morning destruction of two vehicles by fire at Cedar Heights, Vieux Fort.

Owner Cherris Francis used the vehicles in his taxi operations.

“I woke up to a knock on my door at 1:00 am and a neighbour told me my car was on fire,” Francis recalled.

He told St. Lucia Times that he discovered that his BMW and Lexus were ablaze when he investigated.

Francis revealed that the fire destroyed both vehicles, with a total estimated value of eighty-five thousand dollars.

“We got a lighter, a bag where they had their gas or whatever in it, and a lot of cardboard pieces where they lit the fire. They pretty much used gas and diesel. They started the fire on the BMW,” the Cedar Heights resident disclosed.

His wife’s nail salon, near where he had parked the vehicles, also sustained fire damage.

Police officers and firefighters were on the scene. Francis said he was awaiting the outcome of the police investigation and the identification of a suspect based on evidence the investigators had.

The vehicles, due to their age, had third-party insurance.

Francis believes jealousy motivated the burning of his vehicles, resulting in a setback for his business.

In July last year, Francis also incurred losses when a mentally challenged man hurled rocks that damaged four vehicles parked at his Cedar Heights residence.

“Seems like every year they’re taking money out of my pocket,” he declared ruefully.

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  1. There is so much jealousy. Some just wake up everyday and do nothing to elivate themselves but when they see you making progress they are out to get you . They refuse to go and work in the private sector for 3 to 5 EC dollars an hour like the rest of us to buy our house, car and land and send our children to university…

  2. His residence has space for 4 vehicles last year when a mentally ill guy hurled stones that damaged them. Yet still this year he chose to park the LEXUS and BMW outside of his yard near his wife’s business? It was 1:00 am when your neighbour alerted you about the blaze but you were able to determine that the BMV was set on fire first. Hmmmmmm! Mwem meme

  3. Sorry for your lost Dude, you must fully insured your assets and not third party, be smart to survive..
    Some of us flaunts too much..

  4. Awake, really? Chances are the Benz is burnt beyond recognition, so that would implore anyone to believe it was burnt first.

  5. Awake is a hater as well thats why the comment because if you look well you’d see the bmw was burnt down clean which is obvious it’s the one which they targeted


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