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Antigua Cops Awarded For Saint Lucia Tour Of Duty


Sixteen Antigua and Barbuda police officers received badges of honour this week for supporting a Regional Security System (RSS) mission in Saint Lucia.

The mission was in response to a surge in deadly gun violence in the town of Vieux Fort.

In March 2023, Saint Lucia Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre called for help from the RSS after an alarming spate of killings.

Pierre, responsible for National Security, also unprecedentedly declared Vieux Fort an escalated crime zone, giving the police expanded powers to fight crime.

Antigua and Barbuda’s Deputy Governor General Governor, Sir Clare Roberts, praised his country’s police officers for their role in Saint Lucia between March and August 2023.

Roberts spoke Tuesday at a Government House ceremony that fourteen of the sixteen honourees attended.

Deputy Police Commissioner Everton Jeffers described the officers as heroes.

“it takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle. We salute these brave men who answered the call of duty, stood firm in adversity and exemplified heroism,” Jeffers stated.

Sergeant James Charles, who spoke on behalf of the honourees, reaffirmed their commitment to service.

He said the honourees and other officers willing to serve but not get an opportunity would continue to perform their duties with fidelity and devotion.

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  1. Smh. And those who were in the heat of the battle years ago and brought peace are now being prosecuted and persecuted.

  2. Isn’t it a damn shame for St. Lucia to ask for Police help from an Island with just about half the population of St. Lucia? I would never accept any excuse from any Government, irrespective of Party affiliation, be it UWP or SLP, because there are Laws in the Books to deal with and to put down any such criminality, but the damn fools, both sides are too damn soft and afraid to do any thing about it. Hanging has never been outlawed, if you don’t want to hang how about whipping? how about displaying the culprit publicly for anyone to see and whip his axx later then let him serve time. Do any of these acts as a deterrent, before asking smaller Islands for their help, the hang them.


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