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Pierre To Lay 2024-25 Estimates Of Revenue & Expenditure


Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Hon. Philip J. Pierre, will lay the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for fiscal year 2024-2025 in the Parliament on March 26, 2024.

His presentation to the House will include a detailed review of the government’s balance sheet for financial year 2023-2024.

The Prime Minister has billed the 2024-2025 Budget as the Year of Infrastructure.

The Year of Infrastructure heralds a wide range of government-backed investments in strategic capital projects and development programmes.

These investments will modernize and revitalize public infrastructure and build capacity in the country’s human capital.

The 2024-2025 Budget is fashioned from the needs and priorities of Saint Lucian citizens.

It serves as the blueprint to construct a new economic pillar that supports the continuing development of our people and country.

Prime Minister Pierre’s Budget is fortified with targeted policies designed to advance the government’s development agenda and effectively navigate the economic headwinds on the international market.

The Year of Infrastructure promises continuing progress and comprehensive solutions to national, regional and international challenges.

Following the Prime Minister’s presentation, the Debate on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure will ensue on March 27, 2024 and conclude on March 28, 2024.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister


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  1. In addition of the remembrance of employees, which without them, there is no ‘revenue no trust fund’!
    Also to be concluded on behalf of all workers (employees),a well treat and deserved a minima of fifteen ($15dollars an hour and not three cents an hour 🙏

  2. I hope that the RH PM and the minister for infrastructure remeber the residents of Gais Bois Road? I also hope that they honour their promises and those of the ones who work for them…….

  3. Morina let’s keep posting for better wages for the overworked and underpaid people..
    Thank you for your help..

  4. .St.l T is one of those people that don’t pay their workers a decent wage and issuing the our people to fulfill their needs only..


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