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Fake Account Detected Impersonating Philip J. Pierre


It has come to our attention that a fraudulent social media account has been created impersonating Hon. Philip J. Pierre, the Prime Minister and is circulating on various platforms.

This impersonator is attempting to deceive individuals by soliciting money under false pretenses.

We want to make it clear that this account does not represent Philip J. Pierre in any capacity.

Furthermore, any social media account bearing the name of Philip J. Pierre will not ask you to send any money, banking information or other personal information.

We urge the public to be vigilant and cautious when engaging with any online profiles claiming to be associated with the Prime Minister, Hon. Philip J. Pierre.

If you encounter this fake account and are solicited for money or any personal information, please report it immediately to the respective social media platform.

Your assistance in combating this fraudulent activity is crucial in protecting our community from potential harm.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take necessary actions to mitigate any further spread of misinformation.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. I accepted one by the minster of agriculture but it was a fake account telling me about a program where I can get free money I told him that I already got mine knowing that it was a fake but the individual never contact me again

  2. How can you tell if a politician’s social media account is fake or not?

    A fake account will directly ask for your money, or promise you free money.

    A genuine account will never mention money…it would already have taken your money by skimming off taxes & capital projects’ funds!

  3. The same thing is happening to me, except worse. People have started coming up at my house due of a fake account called ‘Shernika Haroww’ using my pictures and instructs people to go near my house, wait for me, and send them top up/phone credit. I contacted the police, but they did nothing to further the inquiry, even after I gave them the number attached to the person behind it they simply told me to deal with it on my own and ‘is not nothing much we can do for you uh but we’ll see’ I attempted to contact the Prime Minister Phillip Jn Pierre, Allen Chastanet, as well as Saint Lucia Loop News, but received no response. These bogus accounts are a major issue, and Saint Lucia police officers should do more to put an end to it.

  4. Glad it happened. PJP has no business using his name on Social media. As PM he should be on social media either using the Government of SLU or under his party logo. Lesson learn. Security is real and everyone should be cautious. PJP is acting as if he is untouchable. He took his entire cabinet to church which was being televised. Who does this ? Chastanet went riding at the back of his truck. All these are security violations. Someone can easily take those guys out. They in SLU need to be more mindful of all these security violations


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