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Dry Season Impacts WASCO’s Southern Water Supply


The dry season has impacted the Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO), affecting its ability to abstract and distribute water.

A WASCO release explained that the situation particularly impacts the South of Saint Lucia.

According to the release, the reduced levels on WASCO’s southern system have caused the company to employ relief strategies to aid consumers who have been experiencing prolonged water shortages.

In this regard, WASCO has initiated a water rationing schedule as part of its water scarcity management plan.

The valving activity includes a temporary suspension of service to specific communities.

The aim is to ensure that critically limited water supplies get even distribution to preserve public health and safety.

As a result, WASCO said the following systems will experience interruptions during the southern valving exercise:

Belle Vue
Upper Saltibus and Lower Saltibus

The company stated that valving has started in the affected communities and will remain in effect until water levels increase.

In addition, WASCO has emphasised the need for individual action to reduce water waste.

The company has also urged consumers to employ water-saving measures where possible.

“Although it has not been a season devoid of rainfall, the net water supply has been severely impacted due in part to above-average temperatures associated with the effects of climate change,” the company noted.

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  1. Zilta you ought to be removed from this position. I would like to further add that the board needs to be replaced by people who are not inept.


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