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Sandals Opens Its 18th Resort

In an intimate ribbon cutting ceremony commemorating Sandals Resorts’ entry into the largely undiscovered destination of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the only Caribbean born superbrand welcomed its first guests to a nature-forward experience brimming with island inspiration and stirring ‘Sandals Firsts’.

Witnessed by government officials, Sandals executives, guests and resort team members, an emerald green ribbon, representative of the island’s flag and lush surroundings, was cut signaling the official opening of Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Executive Chairman of Sandals Resorts International Adam Stewart, spoke on what the opening of the hotel chain’s 18th resort meant for the brand, the island and the Caribbean at large.

“This is a multi-generational act in the making that began with my extraordinary father Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart and Prime Minister Gonsalves many years ago. They flirted heavily about flying the Vincy flag not only here but in all the other islands across the Caribbean that Sandals has its operations. Little did we know that 43 years later the Sandals brand would grow from one 99-room hotel in Montego Bay to a top 500 brand known on the world stage as a super brand. The only Caribbean born commercial super brand known across the United States, Europe and Canada with over 84% brand penetration and recognition,” he shared.

He expounded further on what he dubbed the Sandals Effect, a confluence of things that happen when Sandals comes to town.

“First and foremost, we market the destination, both St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The landscape that makes up this incredible archipelago will benefit. Directly and indirectly for linkages, tour operators, taxi operators, restaurateurs, musicians, farmers, fishers, entrepreneurs, hardware store operators, the entire ecosystem and connectivity we plan to make sure that the entire world knows.”

With Sandals’ expansion to the island, airlift has increased exponentially with more availability on the horizon.

According to Adam Stewart, numerous airlines have adjusted their schedules in anticipation for the demand. “American Airlines used to fly twice per week to and from the Argyle Airport, since April the airline has increase to four times per week and is expected to have daily flights by the end of 2024. Air Canada and Virgin have increased their airlift with JetBlue and United Airlines now flying to the island for the first time.  Nationals and visitors will have the opportunity to fly more conveniently and we will continue to grow. ,” expressed Stewart.

The resort, in May 2024, is expected to host some 300 top travel advisors from around the world, the largest contingent of international travel professionals to ever visit Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

Dr. The Honourable, Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, in his main address added further credence to the impact Sandals has on his country and the CARICOM community.

“During COVID, unemployment went up, there was a decline in economic activity in the region. At the time we also had volcanic eruptions, Sandals came to us with a proposal to recruit Vincentians and send them to their resorts across the Caribbean to be trained. We had to evacuate 20,000 persons with some in shelters for four to six months. Along came a friend in Sandals who said they could ease some of the pressure providing opportunities for 500 people and these little things talk to me about partnership. This might have been small for Sandals but it was a huge thing for us in the condition in which we found ourselves and I want to thank Sandals and Adam.”

“It is an understatement really to call Sandals a brand. It has become an existential part of our Caribbean civilization. This civilization is tailor-made for tourism and Butch Stewart has helped to shape this aspect of the material to help sustain us. I think that when the history of the 20th into the 21st century is written, there would be a towering place for this legend,” The Hon. Gonsalves continued.

In honour of the late Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart, Prime Gonsalves in opining that the relationship he enjoyed with the late founder made him “one of us” shared a remarkable plan to celebrate his memory and contributions to tourism and economic development in the region.

“The government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines had indicated to Sandals that we will build the road coming to the entrance of the hotel. Having built it, we will call it the Gordon ‘Butch’ Stewart Boulevard,” the Prime Minister announced proudly to stirring applause from the audience.

Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines offers 301 rooms and suites across 50 lush-laden acres, authentically embracing its Saint Vincent location with an experience that is as thoughtful as it is meticulously local.

SOURCE: Sandals Resorts

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  1. This Sandals has great potential but it is not ready. Construction all around grounds and unfinished activities, tennis courts, sauna, steam room, beach restrooms. Repairs everywhere. The service was great, food 😋. Water activities not well organized yet. We saved for 20th anniversary, not recognized. Definitely not worth the money yet.

  2. Do they have union representation? We don’t have in St. Lucia,that is why we are treated as dogs by management. Ask Anderson if this is not true. We want to be unionized in st Lucia.

  3. They should concentrate on fixing up the ones they have! Spent 8 days in Sandals Barbados in Caribbean Village (Bridgetown House) in a mildew smelling room….it was gross. Fourth floor should be closed till they fix the water situation.
    Spent the first two days in a room that was fit for smoker and needed work as well. Big hole in the bathroom wall. Come on Sandals, these rooms are suppose to be five star, not two!
    I complained to GINA, never heard anything🙄🙄

  4. Go Vinci add the brand to your portfolio bring in more foreign exchange and provide employment for citizens, a slave house to Clowns but a house of life changing for so many after the volcano, not to mention the spin off from them been there anywhere from tour guides, expedition’s, taxi service, craft and vendors. Those important landing fees and over all exposure of the island I already see the commercials on CNN and that’s what you want St Vincent to the world. Sandals don’t run behind countries in the region, they already has eight resorts in Jamaica that does quite well, other islands seek to add them to their portfolio to boost their tourism and economy so for those who would insinuate they are “crooks” obviously has no idea of the importance of your brand.

  5. How astonishing one man’s dream can become? It is a beautiful feeling when an Honorable person such as the Prime minister of a nation appreciates a great man who works.

  6. Sandals needs to take care of the cats on their properties like they do with Couples resorts, they feed them & give them medical attention if needed. Sandals dont give a crap about the cats on their property. Very sad!

  7. For a company which boasts “loyalty” Sandals leaves a lot to be desired. Three times we have been disappointed when our booked accommodations had been renovated, now not available in the price category we had paid. This change was not communicated to us until our arrival on property.

  8. Great for the island in terms of employment, investment, economic growth and influx of foreign exchange. I just wished that the Prime Minister of T&T could have this great foresight as Prime Minister Gonsalves instead of shutting down the Sandals proposal in Tobago


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