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WATCH: ‘Hurricane Hunter’ Aircraft, Crew Visit Saint Lucia


The WC130J aircraft crewed by the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron “Hurricane Hunters” made its inaugural visit to Saint Lucia during its Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour on April 19, 2024.

The initiative endeavored to sensitize vulnerable communities to the importance of preparedness during the hurricane season.  

SOURCE: Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority/SLT

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  1. Bravo applause to this initiative – the explanations to the various questions were articulated clearly. It was great that the students had an opportunity to see first hand and explore the aircraft. Godspeed

  2. Too bad this wasn’t public knowledge…it would have been a real pleasure to see that tank of a plane an meet some of these brave souls who risk it all for the rest of us!. Thank you

  3. Looking to see if the island can stand a manipulated storm like the rest of the world eg dubai


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