The Northern Division and the Special Services Unit (SSU) of the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force conducted a joint operation, about 8:40 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, in Over the Bridge, Dennery.
The operation included patrols and the execution of Warrants to Search for Property.
During the execution of a search warrant, Officers recovered one (1) Glock Pistol with an auto sear, two (2) extended magazines and eighteen (18) .40mm rounds of ammunition.
A thirty-three (33) year old male and a twenty-four (24) year old male were arrested within the dwelling. They remain in police custody pending charging.
Superintendent of Police Stephen Victorin, Officer with responsibility for the Northern Division (in the absence of Assistant Commissioner of Police, Elvis Thomas, who is currently out of state on police training), commended the officers for their efforts.
As the Commander of the exercise, he stated that despite the duration of the operation, officers remained committed to the goal of recovering lethal weapons, unlawfully in possession of individuals, who posed a danger to the general public.
He stated that given the capacity of the weapon, with the accessories seized by officers, many lives could have been lost in a single encounter.
He indicated that incidents like the violence which occurred during the Dennery Carnival in July of 2023, evidence of the impact of such dangerous weapons, should never reoccur and such seizures reduce the likelihood.
He encouraged members of the public to continue working alongside the police to rid our island of illegal weapons, as their cooperation is not only critical, but success is nearly impossible without.
SOURCE: Royal Saint Lucia Police Force
I only hope that when the government enact a minimum wage that the cockroaches get off the block and be motivated to go and work to earn a decent living to provide for themselves and their families . We need to turn the swords into plowshares…
Their Mothers and Fathers know very well that their So called Bad boys hiding the Wespons at their Residence. The Parents in St.Lucia Most of them are very Bad people
Yet, because of our broken justice system, these gun-toting criminals will be offered bail at their first appearance in Court, and then they’ll be back in the society with “replacement guns” by next week! Don’t the authorities know that there’s more guns and ammunition where those came from???!!! Or, are we so naive or dumb that we cannot see that our incompetent justice system is actually a part of our crime problem?
Expose their identity early…shame them and their families (sootoowez)……that is worse than a 10k slap on the wrist!!
Most Parents Cover up for them
Have an illegal shotgun? Bail for you.
Have a grenade? Bail for you.
Have a machine gun? Bail for you.
Have a stick of dynamite? Bail for you.
Have an artillery gun? Bail for you.
Have a nuclear weapon? Bail for you.
This country has suffered a brain drain. Morons have risen to the top.
I’m starting to wonder: is this just like the cip program. Mr pm we keep the bail low so we collect bail money, case goes under the table. Government has money for lavish spending. Why aren’t our leaders having serious talks at the table as the world starts to analyze where we stand per capita in crime. Our leaders are a bunch of corrupt souls. Chas spoke the same way and did nothing when he was elected. St lucians we must understand that we the people are the common enemy. Let’s stop fighting for party and stand firm against those in authority. This is the only solution to dealing with those politicians. We can’t continue to recycle criminals at this stage for affordable bail money. This needs to stop.
Wow. Good job officers.
Well said Truth be Told and George. We need to expose them by sharing their names and photos. However I do not agree with the notions that the parents know where the weapons are or even the fact of their children’s involvement. We must not judge. I am aware of innocent parents who despise those activities, do not support them and have distanced themselves from their kids involved in such. Some are not aware. So let’s not cast judgement because it has not reached our doors as yet.
So, the police risk their lives, conduct such a well executed operation and then for them fellas to get bail in this climate of endless murders. I am not playing petty party politics but only sharing facts. Only yesterday 3 guys were bailed for possession of illegal firearms. So Officer responsible for the North, Mr Victorin, as you stated, given the capacity of those weapons, many lives could have been lost in a single encounter. Look now we have Jazz festival coming up and Carnival shortly after. Since it seems like it is only Tourists the focus is on, FOR THE SAKE OF OUR TOURISTS, pleeeease do something my PM.
So we have no doubt that the police is working. So in addition to the vehicles you gave to them Mr Prime Minister, what next????? And you well vexed when the media ask for an explanation of what is going on. You always in angry mode. What’s that at all???? If the situation is too big for you, seek external help from Scotland Yard, the FBI or whoever other government is willing to help. Pussy-footing around the issue ain’t gonna make it disappear. St Lucians deserve better.
So much for putting people first. The question is WHICH PEOPLE? The majority of us do not walk around with high paid body guards and Press Secretaries. We are not chauffeur driven in air conditioned, luxury vehicles, have police motor bike escort and get dropped off outside any office where we have to do business. If our government representatives had to walk a day in the shoes of the citizens whom they represent, then things would be different.
The crime situation in St Lucia is alarming. We are at 31 homicides for the year. St. Kitts is raising red flags because they are at eleven (11). Yet still we trying to sweep it under the carpet. And when concerned people clamor for the situation to be dealt with, we being accused of causing unrest and giving our country bad publicity. I am just about fed up with what passes for governance in St Lucia from both parties. We the ordinary citizens must join together and demand proper representation. Our taxes are paying for it. Be it income tax, VAT or my high income tax. Twop say twop.
@ Anonymous #1 & 2, Truth Be Told, George & Poule Foo you are spot on with your post. To be honest, most parents partake of the ill gotten gains and they know that their unemployed or under employed kids are involved in illegal activity. I grew up in St. Lucia, I would not dare bring a pencil home from school which was not mine. My parents would demand that I return it immediately to the owner. Children are bringing home all kinds of items – some parents just don’t care.
No job – latest cell phone
No job – car
No job – motor cycle
No job – jewelry
No job – kids with Peter, Paul, Mary & Rebecca
Am all the way in texas and am see videos of the guys in places like dennery and vuiex fort and other parts of the island showing off the weapons and I know fully well the police is aware of those videos circulating on line and know or can find who these people are also find a way to lure those nogoods into a trap and get them off the streets but again the police might have the will but those on top with the orders to go ahead no interested yet so we going to be in this for the long haul so brace yourselves