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WASCO Implements Water Rationing In The South


The Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) has announced a water rationing initiative for the South of the Island as part of the utility’s scarcity management plan.

In a Monday release, WASCO explained that the exercise will temporarily distribute water at selected points until system water levels increase.

According to the company, the following systems will experience interruptions during the southern valving exercise: Desruisseaux, Belle Vue, Toucousson, Upper Saltibus, Lower Saltibus, and Patience. 

Valving has commenced in the following communities:



Mon Repos Village

Coolie Town

St Marie Road 


La Pointe



Last month, WASCO declared a concerning reduction in water levels at various abstraction points islandwide due to the ongoing dry conditions affecting Saint Lucia.

The company has stressed the need for its customers to reduce water wastage and use water-saving measures where possible. 

To assist customers in water storage and conservation, WASCO launched a water tank promotion that will last until July 31, 2024.

It offers storage tanks ranging from 132 US gallons to 1,000 US gallons.

WASCO has invited customers to visit the company’s customer service department to apply for the tanks. 

The utility said a convenient payment plan is available for applicants who are property owners and have a good standing with WASCO, making it easier for them to participate in the promotion.

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  1. WASCO needs to set an example in terms of water conservation. I very recently reported a burst pipe on the roadside in my area from which water was flowing like a river, they eventually came FOUR days later to fix the pipe after repeated reports from myself and other residents. Probably thousands of gallons wasted.

  2. The majority of men that work for wasco are members of lodge or secret societies

  3. Oh so the hotels using and buying water will be rationed also. Some hotels use 80,000 gal. A day.
    Are we still promoting more hotel investors?

  4. @Mad max, there are many lodge men and women in the government, a lot of them in this one too. I see it with my own eyes, fellas with multiple big jobs in government always boasting the SLP and the lodge compass as their WhatsApp photo.

  5. Cabot has a 50 thousand pound tank adjacent it’s 1000 gallon pump house and they have several of these, this does not include the gigantic metal pipe entrance water funneling into cabot grass by the old cottenbay entrance and their main security station!,,,, no water in cap estate now for days!….. an now jazz ….all water will be dissolved than what SLP? Nothing to cater water to blue waters to purify waters ect ect ect.. smph


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