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GPH Project To Boost Employment In Castries, Soufriere


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  1. That’s right putting St Lucian’s First. The best PM YELLOW BAD MIND CHOCKING. CHOKE !! If that don’t work cry a river……sing Andy William’s Moon river blah blah blah blah. Good job Pierre nice t-shirt……where did you get that??

  2. Pierre is on a roll…he ain’t giving Chas a rest. He is getting on with the business of building the nation, a task that was long overdue….now I did watch the video of this ribbon cutting ceremony and if it’s anything to go by, I must say I don’t see much that GPH is adding to the development of Port Castries. I presume the images shared in the video are not the true schematics of what the port will finally look like…I hope I am wrong…but if I am right…GPH is not adding anything significant to the port design….but I will wait further developments and let my eyes cook my peas….

  3. What happens in the dark will surely come to the light.

  4. Pierre, you meet with my approval in this initiative despite your deplorable record in other aspects of governing. After all, you can’t win them all…but by putting the people and the development of Saint Lucia first, you are trodding in the right direction.

    For the uninitiated:

    If a picture can paint a thousand words, Pierre’s shirt paints and tells of ten thousand legacies…Pierre is a typical Man of African descent and you can tell by his shirt. His shirt echos the symbols found in the Ghanaian and Côte d’Ivoire traditions. For those who don’t know, Ghana and Cote d’Ivoire was one people as was most of west Africa before the Berlin conference divided up the continent of Africa in 1884…The Adinkra symbols of ancient times were printed on traditional clothing and worn by the kings on special ceremonial occasions but has over times come to be used by everyone in these respective societies. The Adinkra symbols are the guardians of African philosophical thought and world view. Even our traditional wear in Saint Lucia echoes that link back to West Africa. If we look very closely at our cultural traditions, you will see and hear the echoes of Africa in them. It’s just beautiful to see….well done Pierre.

  5. Great initiative, I support it to the max. Cann anyone tell me where the head office is located or where I can send an application for a job? I hope the top jobs will not go to friends, family and foreigners. No repetition of the last government.

  6. St Lucia 🇱🇨❤️ :
    But you are a Shield around me,O LORD ; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head..
    To the LORD I cry aloud,and he answers me from his holy hill selah
    I lie down and sleep ;
    I wake again, because the LORD sustains me..
    I will not fear the ten thousands,drawn up against me on both sides..
    O LORD,how many are my foes !
    How many rise up against me !
    Many are saying of me 🇱🇨, “God will not deliver me”
    From the LORD comes deliverence.
    May your blessing be upon your people.. selah

    Anwser me when I call to you,O Righteous God..
    As a child pleading with a Father on behalf of the slaves employees for a minimum wage of fifteen dollars an hour and not three cents an hour.
    Give them relief from their distress,be merciful to them ⚖️ and hear our prayers..


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