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Senior Cop Urges Action By All Against Youth Gang Violence

Deputy Police Commissioner Ronald Phillip has emphasised the need for collective action and a multi-faceted approach to addressing gang violence involving young men.

“The issue of stone-throwing and young men being armed with weapons in the city, attacking each other, is unacceptable,” Phillip noted.

Social media videos had earlier shown clashes on Chaussee Road, Castries, involving stone-throwing young men.

Police officers at the Central police station went to the scene twice, but did not encounter the youngsters.

In addition, none of the parties involved made any report to the police.

The youngsters are believed to belong to the rival Sixx and Seven Gang culture, imported from Trinidad and Tobago.

Deputy Police Commissioner Phillip recalled that last week, the police recovered several offensive weapons from students. 

However, he declared that “we cannot arrest our way out of this situation.”

“The time has come for parents to start parenting their children and taking up greater responsibility for them and their social activities,” the senior police official told St. Lucia Times. 

“I challenge the NGOs, governmental agencies, community leaders, faith-based organizations, schools, National Youth Council and others to speak up and denounce this type of activity that is taking place amongst our young people,” Phillip stated.

He acknowledged that many of Saint Lucia’s sister islands face similar challenges associated with the Sixx or Seven copycat syndrome.

” Whilst we recognize that this issue is broader than just policing, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force remains committed in its quest to ensure citizen safety and security.,” Phillip said.

“This is why we have embarked on a series of strategic operations, community engagements and interventions and increased our visibility through patrols, ensuring a wider police presence is felt by the citizenry,” he explained.

“It is time for everyone to take action as we play our part in saving the lives of our young people,” Phillip declared.

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  1. Officer, parents are to be blamed. When a father has his pants below his buttocks and has a Marijuana in his mouth all day, what do you expect his son will do. The son will follow his father’s style.
    Don’t blame anyone else but his parents.

  2. It’s Very interesting to Read your post Sir.Questions Why the Rslpf allow So many Gangs to be installed in St.Lucia .Why no Beat and Patrol in St.Lucia .There’s beat 1and 2.Beat 3and 4.And Beat 5 Marshand .Not one police officer Whether in Uniform or plain .This have been so For years upon years .Commissioner upon Commissioner have held that office of Cop and have not addressed this Problem.Theres a Register No 21 at all Police Stations I would like you to inspect all of them .The Rslpf have More Mobile Vehicles no Mobile patrols whether by day or Night Nothing.You will walk Round the City its so Embarassing to See a City with no police on the Beat.The Rslpf was one of the Best in the Caribbean now other Caribbean Countries Laughing at St.Lucia .Mr.Deputy Do not allow Criminals to take over in St.Lucia we will end up like Haiti .Give the Supervisor’s instructions

  3. Bolo Byron May 24, 2024 At 6:12 am

    Not all true. Outside factors influence kids as well. I’ve spent time in some of the rougher parts of Castries. Parents, church goers not affiliated with the debauchery in the surrounding area. Kids grow up weed smoking, gangs, drinking etc. Simply because that is what they see in their neighbourhood. Not encouraged by parents at all. Just take a walk in Castries central in the areas people reside. And take a look at the environment these kids are exposed too. We have rum shops next to schools and churches. Is that the parents’ fault?

    This is chickens coming home to roost. It will only get worse. Didn’t they hold up the village of Canaries trying to retrieve their drugs? Isn’t there a police station right there in the village? Why did it take them 2 hours to respond? Soon they will be going after the police, lawyers, judges and politicians. You think places like Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad suddenly became so bad overnight? Of course not. Too much inaction by the authorities. Too much disorder. Too much lawlessness for too long. It was a gradual continuous process of exactly what we are seeing here. This country is on the edge of a precipice. There is a very small chance to save it. A much larger chance of going of the edge irretrievably.

  4. From what I have saw on Social Media about that particular incident is just part of a manifestation that is well embedded in various parameters on the island. The sad part is that it also has manifested in our schools. In our schools our teachers are not equipped nor able to handle these situation. I have spoken at many PTAs meeting laws have to be put in place where parents are being charge and the kid is being punished for his or her indiscipline behavior. If such is not enforced then forget it, a situation of that nature will happen in our classrooms pretty soon. What are those cameras installed in the city for? are they working or it is a wasted of another useless government/gates project. While I would want to agree to a certain level with the officer, those kids should not be allowed to be on the streets or in their parents/guardian care for another 24hrs. Make use of the digital evidence because this has shown law and order is not the order of the day. If that situation is not remedy in our school you will pick up dead bodies. The chief education officer needs to come out of his cabaway mentality and to redress these situations with urgency.

  5. @Vladimir Puting
    This is so true. See how many ghetto blocks all over Castries. I have called on the authorities so many times for some dirty ti negs that make a block next to my shop in Castries. I even quote the anti loitering laws to the police officers when I call them. They have never shown up to do something about it. I can’t dare say anything to those characters because I know they have guns. It started with one miscreant who decided to stand there all day. Then she started smoking. Then he started coming with a speaker playing his filthy vulgar violent music. The one increased to 2 of them. Then 3 then 4. Smoking all day outside my shop. Music blasting. Dozens of calls to police and CCC. Nothing done about it. I fully expect my shop to be robbed soon. And then shop closed.

    The lawlessness and disorder in this place will be its ultimate undoing. People won’t be interested in investing in this cancer.

  6. The bottom line — it is parents responsibility to raise their children. However, in St. Lucia it appears that children continuously have children; also, the parents are uneducated and undisciplined themselves so how then could they instill education, respect and discipline in their own children. Every era brings with it innovations and challenges- however, if you teach your children from a very young age – you at least minimize their interaction with negative influences.

    I left St. Lucia at a young age hailing from a family of 10 siblings – we were taught to study hard in school if you want to make something of yourself. We were taught to stay far away from negative influences because they will lead you directly in the path of destruction, plus “show me your company and I will tell you who you are”. We were taught, to always live within our means and if you have a lemon – make lemonade. We were taught, never envy anyone or anything – I can honestly say this upbringing worked in our favor.

    Of course, they were challenges in that era as well – I remember there was a gang at that time called the Upsetters. Today, that upbringing has served us all well and I am thankful to my parents. Currently, I instill the same values with my kids and grandkids – I am so very grateful.
    If you build a firm foundation in your home – it can be done. Some Lucians believe it is the government’s responsibility to house them, feed them, take care of their children etc. etc. etc.

    Honestly, it was very disturbing to watch that video. In addition, you cannot blame other islands for your citizen’s decision to display bad behavior and self-destruct. These young people are ignorant, lacking in discipline, education and have already decided to destroy themselves. Moreover, they are lawless and have absolutely no respect for themselves, their neighbors and community –as well as law enforcement and that in and of itself is a SERIOUS PROBLEM.

  7. Oh Really May 24, 2024 At 9:30 am

    Ding. Ding. Ding.

    You have to wonder about the IQ of these officers.

  8. For the time line that was happening on the road I am sure police was in the area. We do not have robust police communication system so if incase police are out on the road they can be notify almost instantly also the traffic plays a crucial roll, that’s why most officers should be using bicycles rather than sitting down and eating out the prisoner’s food!

  9. Our leaders, government ministers, public service and police officers are a reflection of us, they come from us. With the level of ignorance and low average IQ level, we are playing ourselves expecting anything better. Today there is so much technology to help the police force do its work more effectively but the people in charge refuse to put some of it in place. Where are all the security cameras we were promised, how about long range thermal cameras to monitor remote areas, rapid response units, where are the dogs ? All of these releases are pointless without action.

  10. Sir I would like to know when will the RSLPF address the skeletons in its closet. How do you think you can impact society as an organization, when there are so many unresolved issues amongst your ranks. The management of this organization has virtually lost internal control yet expect to deal with external issues of crime, effectively. You would agree that to do so, you would need a unified approach. As we speak this image of this organization is in tatters due to rape allegations that no one is willing to look into. We as a people are made to looks like idiots by the government’s attempt force the alleged perpetrator/s down our throats as the future of this organization. If this is the future of the RSLPF then what do you and your fellow managers expect from the youth. They too will feel that if those so-called top law enforcement officials can walk free after committing such heinous acts then we too can do the same. Sir some of your officers, because of this still unresolved issue speak openly of seeing themselves as working in a criminal organization or enterprise, one that covers the crimes of its members, especially those at the top. Be minded that there will be no success against crime and criminals in this country unless the RSLPF can first deal with its s.hit – bring its alleged criminals to justice.

    Now for the stone throwing and the stone throwers, while the act is criminal and needs to be addressed, we should be happy that there is some progress and those gangs have not decided to utilize their weapons of choice- the guns. We should acknowledge this as a small step in the right direction. For those of us who can remember, just a few short years ago those same streets taken over by the stone throwers, were controlled by thugs wielding guns, not cutlass and stones. So while the actions of those involved are still criminal in nature, I see some sort of progress. Our crime situation will not disappear overnight. Always remember that.


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