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Teenager Stabbed In Castries

Emergency personnel from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) rushed a teenager to the OKEU Hospital Tuesday after he sustained stab wounds near the Forestiere bus stand in Castries.

According to initial reports, the eighteen-year-old Bagatelle, Castries resident was attacked while boarding a bus.

He sustained injuries to the abdomen and lacerations to both hands.

An ambulance  went to the scene at about 3:05 pm and transported him to the hospital in stable condition.

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  1. What the ******* he’ll is going on in St lucia , that 6 and 7 nonsense getting out of hand how many young men have to die before the relevant authorities take some type of action

    Mhew fashay

  2. In all our ways and thoughts there is no room or fear for God ❗
    Psalms 139:16
    All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be ❗
    Jesus is waiting at the table as a groom unpatiently for his bribe..
    JESUS is near by in every steps we make..
    Do not wait until we Sink to call on the name of God !
    According to surveys that 🇱🇨 St Lucia is an extreme religious Islande, though many churches who do not bear the name of God..
    We have heard in St Lucia, “Let us go to the house of the LORD,to his dwelling place,let us worship at his footstool_
    arise, O LORD and come to your resting place !!
    God is injuste ❓
    Who then can bless injuste things 😈
    Yet in his unfailing love ❤️, kindness and merciful compasion yet he forgives, waiting for sinners to come home..
    “Let us acknowledge our guilts and faults before God”…

  3. Look our leaders are travelling, the one we spend money on for Haiti conflict doesn’t seems interested… life goes on


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