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One Man Dead, Another Injured In Castries Shooting

Two males sustained gunshot injuries on Saturday as a result of a shooting incident in Marchand, Castries.

One of the men succumbed following the shooting, while the other was nursing gunshot injuries.

According to initial reports, multiple shots were fired.

However, the circumstances surrounding the shooting were not immediately apparent.

Police have commenced an investigation into the incident.

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  1. Police need to just arrest everything that does sit by the side of the road Marchand on that step…even animals should be locked up. At 12pm , a whole hip of them there inciting violence against one another. I fed up with law enforcement cause at some point you must go hard at those cockroaches and ignore Mary Jennyarse.

  2. MICHELLE, this is not a TV program or movie where the crime is investigated and solved in one hour between commercial breaks. The shooting happened this morning not last week or last month. so how you expect the police to complete an investigation with all the taking of witness statements, forensic analysis, maybe analyze cctv or other private security camera footage if available, interview the persons who were involved in the incident that are still alive but may be in critical condition at the hospital etc, etc in less than a day and then come back and issue a report on findings to you within a few hours of the incident ??????. SERIOUSLY ?

  3. @Free Willy
    That’s the answer right there. Not just Marchand. Round them up on all those blocks they have all over the place. Jeremie Street, New Village, Jeremie Street, JnBaptiste Street. Round every last one of them up. This is where all the crimes are devised. Harass them where they most comfortable.


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