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‘If It Took A Snake To Save This Country, I’m Proud To Be A Snake!’

Former United Workers Party (UWP) leader Stephenson King, dubbed a snake, a traitor, and ‘King Cobra’ for joining the ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) Government, is unfazed by the many epithets from his former party.

“If it took a snake to save this country, I’m proud to be a snake. But what I do know is that I declared myself very early and said, ‘Hey, I can no longer continue in what no longer portrays the spirit, the philosophy and the intentions of the United Workers Party,” the former Prime Minister stated.

After months of speculation regarding his political future, King announced shortly before the July 26, 2021, general elections that he would contest the polls as an independent.

Choosing blue as his political colour and declaring himself a patriot, King retained his Castries North seat as the UWP administration in which he had served lost the election in a Labour Party landslide.

After that, Labour Party leader and Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre appointed him a Senior Minister in the Cabinet.

The Castries North MP declared that he was honest and upfront about his decision to run independently.

“I didn’t do like some people, who went on the party’s ticket and after the election, walk across the floor with the intention of running up for government house and hide,” King asserted.

He explained that he parted ways with the UWP over disillusionment with its shift in morals and values.

“It has lost its way, it has lost its philosophy, it has lost its decency, it has lost its honour,” King said.

According to King, at the end of it all, when he received an invitation to join the Labour Party administration, he thought that some of what they were preaching in the campaign, like putting the people first, matched his philosophy regarding people and country. 

“I don’t care what they say, I care about the people of this country, who deserve good government, who deserve hard-working people, who care about the progress of this country- that’s what I’m concerned about,” he stated.

PHOTO: Stephenson King and Philip J. Pierre embrace during Sunday’s SLP ‘March for Progress’.

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  1. and I totally agree with you the people and country first the party if the others were thinking in that direction we would have a better st Lucia when it comes to politics.

  2. Thats right Albert YOU TEL THEM. Those yellow jackasses are still crying boo boo hoo why did you leave us !! Albert don’t hide nothing remind the people how the treated you during your tenure as PM, they were doing the same crap they were doing to Pierre they couldn’t see a Black Man running this country if you are not white you are not right Lucian’s for you totally mental enslaved. The icing on the cake was those paid cohorts and cabals with media houses that were relentless in spewing their daily yellow venom on the St Lucian People of which the failed miserably. Oh Really you yellow snake where hart thou?? We must protect this victory we are not going back to the days of “just for some “ and mirages here my dear I present to you Dubai. Horsetrack over affordable housing, horse track over welfare

  3. @Lowgrade Lucian, you bit the worm you shameless fool. King Cobra Minister of Infrastructure for many years was PM under UWP and now switch sides, yet still NO ST JUDES and the roads are a mess. Politicians have you “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”.

  4. Well one would think that in a democracy ( although sometimes it doesn’t seem like it), persons are allowed to vote with the feet if their conscience is in conflict with the status quo. King had every right to make such a move. It was not illegal, it was not unconstitutional and he clearly expressed why he did it. But of course, there will always be detractors just as there are two sides to a coin. I guess we can say, democracy allows for dissenting voices.

  5. Some lucians really kouyon wee. They actually believed what king said deh. Pierre won the election and he didn’t even need SK and RF. All these politicians fighting to be in government to enrich themselves, and the people get the crumbs. Any of these politicians on both side can can save any country ? King is an unproductive excessive baggage.

  6. Like one said above – why is he dressed in Blue? what message is he sending? – PjP better be careful the next time you could be serving either under him or the other chief in your Office.

  7. Snake or no snake there have no person or persons in any party that has formed the government did so solely to save this country if you tell me they in to save their pockets and pockets of their friends and family I will say yes yes yes
    If you want to see how loyal these people are to this country tell them they are to donate 90% of their salary to charity any charity of their choice or make it the law of land that these people in government cannot collect a salary they are to given food lodging and transportation and see how many will sign up to save this country if any at all so this thing I did what I did to save this country is rubbish I am treat it as such$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  8. You saved no country… only yourself plus you will always find excuses to defend your traitorous actions. Gone are the days when you all could fool the masses and escape with it

  9. Country before self and party .that’s what the blue brigade general brings to the table.
    I recently said the senior minister looks a lot happier than even when he was Prime Minister
    But the real credit is due to the current PM who had the vision to bring the two independent MPs a seat in his cabinet. The doom merchants predicted disunity and chaos (especially some of the intellectuals) but instead the current government is one of the most united in the history of St.Lucia .Across all the ministries there is good performance , ministers are delivering …..have you noticed “no leaks”You can tell when a government is working and seen to be so by the mood of the populous …there is a sense of pride in St.Lucians home and abroad ….a mood not felt since Kenny Anthony first term .
    Even with the many successful policy initiatives, maintaining the mantra Lucians first
    the PM has made it clear that this is a work in progress. One thing about the PM I remember was after the opposition march he said “ they want to see march I will show them march “ and he did … the turnout for the march I believe was in excess of expectations .
    Then to crown it all on his watch we get a world champion indoors then the icing on the cake Ju Ju the Olympic champion fastest woman in the universe.
    There is a genuine sense of well being on the island …a sense of hope a sense of pride .
    Bravo PM maintain the momentum….


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