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Man Shot Dead At Gros Islet

Gros Islet police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man at Piat, Gros Islet, on Wednesday.

Investigators have identified the deceased as 54-year-old Gregory Louison of Piat, whom a pathologist pronounced dead on the scene.

The Gros Islet Police Station received a report of the shooting at about 9:50 pm.

No suspects are currently in custody.

The Island’s 57th homicide for the year occurred as Saint Lucia’s newly appointed Acting Commissioner of Police, Verne Garde, prepares to present a strategic plan to Prime Minister and Minister of National Security Philip J. Pierre on Monday.

Garde, whose six-month contract commenced this week, sent a tough message to criminals at his first news conference on Wednesday.

“I will not allow Saint Lucia to be overrun by persons who are in conflict with the law,” he warned.

In this regard, the Acting Police Commissioner indicated he was not a mere talker.

“Although I’m not an individual with a loud voice or a loud shout, I have a lot of action to complement it,” the former Director of Corrections declared to reporters.

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  1. Proverbes 8…
    GOD :
    All the words of my mouth are just ; none of them is crooked or perverse..
    I open my lips to speak what is right, my mouth speaks what is true ❗
    Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Pierre will not SAVE ME, but you preserve my life ; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes with your right hand you SAVE ME ❗

    Psalms 140..
    Rescue me O LORD, from the evil 😈 men ;protect me from men of violence who devise evil plans in their hearts and stir up wars everyday…

  2. Wasn’t the Deputy Security minister supposed to prepare and present a plan as well. It shows there there is no structure or leadership in government.

  3. Within your 238 square miles radius as well as your population – don’t you understand that these statistics are seriously disturbing for your size as well as population. St. Lucia is certainly well on track to destroying its own economy and your malveetaaays will have no one to blame but themselves.

  4. There is a need to amend the gun laws in St. Lucia. Bail should be in the region of $60 000 and if found guilty the penalty should be the minimum of $80 000 to $100 000 or 20 years to 30 years imprisonment.
    Magistrates should have no alternative, it should be a carte blanche law.
    Hon. PM this should be done immediately. Don’t delay.

  5. Too much lawlessness for far too long. People allowed to do whatever they want without regard for rule and societal order. Chickens coming home people. Soon any little disagreement will end up in a hail of bullets.

  6. @Paul Regis,

    You can change the laws all you want, if the police force does not find and produce evidence NO ONE will stay in jail.

  7. @ Oh Really
    There are options.
    – Pierre can beef up the investigation unit. In many countries around the world, go-getters are “promoted” to an “acting” position during emergencies. Essentially, the “promoted” person does not get a pay increase. However, they are paid travel expenses and the like. They are also looked at first if they do a good job, when the time arises for a real promotion.
    – Pierre can also extend the period when someone in custody actually appears before the courts. He has to be mindful that they are innocent until proven guilty. That person may have a job and dependents.

    The solution to immediately reducing the murders has always rested in taking the gunmen out of current circulation. The solution was never going to be cheap. Pierre is trying to do it on the cheap, hence his problems. He is also not versed in modern security. He has tools in the toolbox. Does he have the stomach to use them? I think not.

  8. As I said in a post last week This Island is cursed, and Seems the devil is taking over these souls and the idle hands is a devil workshop. By now we must get use to every bad news and its no shock these days cause we see it every week. A fatal shooting, a stab, a chop, house fires. vehicle accidents and hit and run, suicides, drownings, home invasion, robberies, and now school open with kids already fighting. To add to the list of Political talk and gossip from both Sides are the order everyday here. By the way they keep having an Acting Police Comissioner, so When will there ever be a Police Comissioner , and Why the senior ranks wasnt given the Post?

  9. The police force have to beef up a serious operation. The law men need to go after those criminals . The police have to mount up a serious operation and take on those cold- blooded killers all cars and houses has to be search and the use of cctv cameras . The police need to shoot them man dead , as the thieves and criminals are wreaking havoc on the island we cannot have those criminals killing people almost everyday

  10. Where can I go from your Sprit ?
    Where can I flee from your presence
    If I go up to the heavens, you are there ;if I make my bed in the depts, you are there..
    If I rise on the wings of the dawn,if I rise on the far side of the sea,even there hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast..

  11. 6 months contract! Come on this is to much of high pressured/sensitive post to evaluate the individual and their srtategies.

    Congrtats and hope you get through that interim period to then that seeing positive results from your plans,


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