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Controversy Over Priest’s Remarks At Rameau Poleon’s Funeral

A Catholic Priest’s remarks at the recent funeral for the late cultural icon, Rameau Poleon, have ignited a social media controversy.

At the centre of the controversy is the outspoken priest, Albert Smith.

On Friday September 6, family and friends of the late Joseph Rameau Poleon gathered at the St. Isidore Roman Catholic Church, Belle Vue, to pay their last respects.

The cultural icon passed away in July at the age of 95.

During the funeral service, Rameau’s son, Patrick Joseph, more popularly known as Emrow, paid a musical tribute to his late father.

The songs, which he later said were also meant to inspire mourners, were “Have Faith in God” and “If Your Name is Written.”

Emrow also played the guitar, ending with a riff, resulting in resounding applause from mourners.

Hardly had the cheering subsided before Fr. Albert took the microphone to announce; “In the catholic church we don’t clap.”

The remark drew the ire of some in the congregation, who murmured loudly.

The priest continued: “And the liturgy, the Eucharist is our highest form of prayer. That choice of song totally unacceptable.Totally unacceptable. If we do things, we do it right.”

“And there is too much noise please,” he added.

The “open rebuke” drew much condemnation on social media.

According to one commentator, if anything was inappropriate, it was Fr. Albert’s criticism of the son of the late Rameau Poleon in front of the congregation.

“I am a catholic and since when we do not clap in church, this is ridiculous,” wrote another.

St. Lucia Times has since spoken with Emrow about the issue.

“What can I say? Maybe the man had a few drinks before he came to the church,” he joked.

“Because you cannot tell me, you are a servant of God, I am singing songs and using my music to spread the word of God and you have a problem with that,” he said.

Emrow said he is a Christian who gave his life to Christ in 1981. He wrote the songs performed at the funeral, which speak to believing in God and glorifying him.

Taught by his uncle Roy, Emrow recalled that he started in music in the group Groovy Brothers from Belle Vue.

He later moved to Martinique, where he formed a Compas band with musicians from Haiti.

“Back in the days, we used to have some good times together playing in Rameau Poleon’s rum shop,” he fondly recounted.

Today, he says he performs Christian music regularly in New York, where he now lives.

“I perform at sometimes four to five churches every Sunday,” he disclosed.

“However when you are doing the work of God there will be opposition and I believe that what happened at my dad’s funeral was just one of those challenges,” Emrow stated.

” God has given me this ministry of music and I will continue to use it for as long as I live. I hold no animosity towards anyone who may be opposed to what I do. All I can do is pray for them and keep on singing,” he declared.

Photo: Albert Smith (File image)

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  1. well said my brother keep praying for them . the priest might have plenty skeleton in his closet that need cleaning up

  2. The madness of religion is plain to see. This is glaring on so many levels. But I am not surprised at what has transpired because the initiated alone can see this for what it really is: A GREAT BIG FRAUD….but carry on if it floats your fancy.

  3. The liturgy is phonetically similar to ‘the letter G’. That’s the same letter in the middle of the Freemasonic Logo. Go do your research. Fire Pon Rome!

  4. I nothing wrong with the song, Avaitay with father Albert. He probably had a few drinks for true man? As for clapping in church. I am a catholic, we clap in church all the time. Fr Albert was really out of place, SMFH

  5. It’s about bringing back the catholic religion from where it is now. Each one is to be held accountable and has to stand up for their faith. When the church remains silent we call on them. When they say something we have a problem. We just can’t please all. Bravo Father Albert. They should have attended the workshop at the Convent. This is only the beginning. There is more to come in Jesus’s name. Amen!

  6. Where is the compassion and sympathy ..respect should be given to the family of the deceased at all cost. St. Lucian’s are getting from bad to worst…if this was any place else it would have had a different outcome…the family of the bereaved would have taken this to another level. I I would have told the priest or whoever right there to shut up for real. Where is the love and sympathy in this

    Let me close with this scripture as I am a student of the Bible
    Mark 7:13
    “Making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do”
    If the article is correct …I would have simply ask the Priest to leave the funeral period. Enough with the tradition know a tree by its fruit and some are not bearing any kindness, humility and compassion. Jesus was a servant he washed disciples feet ..he never disrespected anyone ..he came to be serve, not to bully …enough already

  7. .. And here we have Mr. Facts himself displaying the same “myopic” view he was speaking of when he aired his views about a certain church decision in relation to Kingdom Night.. What about “bringing people to experience God in a deeper and more profound way”? What about doing it differently? Just because it does not move you does not mean it didn’t move someone else. After all, the name of the song alone says what its about.. Remember that?

  8. Personally I am a catholic but do not like the clapping in Church. I prefer an Amen ! It was not a concert. It is church. Many none Catholic churches do not support the clapping.

  9. Father Albert was out of place he start taking his things too far,not because people does support the truths he tell sometimes for him to think he in charge of the catholic church

  10. I saw his congrats on clapping when he announced in church that his stolen grinder was returned and he mentioned people’s name….he never told the congregation do not clapping..

  11. Let’s look at the petty ridiculousness of the matter…What is wrong with clapping in the catholic church? If you claim that god gave you a voice and therefore, you should use your voice to praise your sky jesus you would say this is acceptable because the voice is doing what voices are used for…ie expressing through vocalisation holy sweet nothings to a sky god….so I guess to the priest that is an acceptable use of the voice….cause that’s just what the voice is used for….it’s natural and it’s human..the ears are doing what ears do. They listen and I guess the priest will say use the ears to the glory of the sky god, to listen to his holy nothings, and the nose, and the eyes, and the brain…….but what about the hands?… didn’t the sky god give you hands and therefore you should equally use your hands, just like your voice is used for the glory of the sky god? like the eyes, the nose, the brain…..And isn’t clapping a natural inclination and use of the hands? So what is wrong with clapping in the catholic church? Does the clatter of a thousand faithful church goers scare the holy sky god away? Does the thunder clap of the faithful sheep, make the holy church irreverent and unholy? Is clapping an offence punishable by a stint in purgatory? Or hell even? So what is wrong with clapping in church? This madness is blatantly revealing. That the human body, which took millions of years of evolution to be what it is today ( and by the way we are still evolving ), that some holy come lately gab wearing priest should at an inappropriate time ( grieving family members at a funeral) makes such reprehensible remarks tells you that you are the sheep and you should follow what the shepherd says and there are no two ways about it. And the gullible folks will take this insult on the cheeks and carry on as usual because the holy father said so.

    Brain washed, conditioned, mental obfuscation, numbed reasoning, desensitised logic, programmed, controlled.


  12. I thought Father Albert was making reference to the clapping as he indicated that we don’t clapping in Church,not making reference to the songs sang.”And it is loud”he said.Sorry if I miss quote
    Have we gotten the wrong end of the stick and perhaps sounding off too hastily.
    When my deceased mother had her favourite song sang for her in church at her funeral and lovely as it was (The goodness of God)
    No one clapped

  13. It might be a Christian song, yes, but its not all christian songs that are accepted in the catholic liturgy. Now, calm down and read further.
    Some songs are written or composed to be presented in a form of performance. Let’s say some jazz singers and composers may compose christian jazz music, due to the nature and requirement for such presentstion it cannot be allowed in the Liturgy, not because it is not a good song or composition but because it is Inappropriate for the Catholic liturgy”. This is because the Catholic liturgy is solemn in nature, is a worship directed to the Trinity (the Fatuer, Son and Spirit) alone, and no one should or is allowed to direct attention to themselves, and this is exactly what songs that are presented as perfomance do. Now you don’t need to agree or disagree with me if that is what you see or experience in your own church. This is what the Catholic Liturgy is.

    So what Fr Albert meant was that, the Song in question might be Christian in nature, might be good, the rendition might have been great, but it is not appropriate for our Liturgy, it might be used in other worships, whether Catholic or other Christian gathering but not at the liturgy. Sorry if you don’t know what Liturgy is, please google and know more.

    You would notice that due to the way the song is, the presenter was screaming ontop of his voice, thereby changing and making the liturgy a contert or grammy centre.
    I agree with Fr Albert, it was Inappropriate for the liturgy.

    Although we all have our different ways of correcting people, and so it is allowed to argue or criticize the way and manner he did it, but the truth is the message he passed was the fact.

    Maybe you knew that the one who sang the song is the Son of the deceased, but do you think the priest was aware of that? Do you think it was told to the priest prior to the presentation? His name was not mentioned and was not supposed to be mentioned at the Liturgy, and perharps he was seen as one coming to give a farewel redition to the deceased. So, saying that it was inappropriate and disrespectful to make such comments to the son of the deceased may be judging only from your own point of view.

    This writing is not in anyway to defend Fr Albert but to state the fact and teachings of the Catholic Church.

  14. At one time my daughter attended a funeral in the Catholic Church coz I was her uncle’s funeral and she was ask to do a reading. The priest wanted her to bow, and she told him she isn’t a catholic, he didn’t want to hear thee,I told her to get down. Stop imposing your church rites on ppl. It’s a funeral not a regular service. The man sung a gospel and the priest had a problem, ppl clap he had a problem. But I hear the accepting western la rose all songs that’s not gospel. Fire burn

  15. @ Fr Charles VC

    You rightly said we may or may not agree but one is allowed an opinion on this matter. The church has placed a rigid policy on its worship in order to protect it so called liturgical traditions. How is a church in the Caribbean where the culture, music and everything else is diametrically different from Rome where the liturgy was finalised. In order words, the people of Saint Lucia can not sing a gospel song in a calypso style, or a jazz style, or a reggae style in the catholic church. styles which are congruent to the culture of the Caribbean but the people have to abide by liturgical rules unnatural to their region and traditional ethos. The style of worship in the Church though very beautiful to observe I admit, makes no provisions for the local culture.

    Now if the singer was to perform, one would think that the father would have known about the performance and at least the father should have enquired about the nature of the song. I find it totally unacceptable that a gospel song sung in any other form ( Jazz, country, calypso etc etc) apart from the liturgical norm is deemed inappropriate. Its nice of you to come on here to clear the air on this, as it appears the father is trying to save face or protect the reputation of the church. Yet still, how can the father rebuke a singer, whether or not the singer was related to the deceased, how can the father rebuke the singer, who sang a gospel song in whatever style it was, how was that inappropriate? Yet how is clapping of hands inappropriate in church? .I thought the bible said to make joyful noises. Again so many inconsistencies….but even worse, that this rebuke was done at a funeral, where people were mourning their loved ones. It appears the church rules are beyond any other persons personal circumstances. Had the father allowed the clapping and not rebuke the singer and the song, no one would be wiser for the infraction that was obviously an innocent occurrence.

  16. I have learned to respect everyone from all aspects of life, however my respect sensors have been questioned every time I read or see a video referencing something to this Catholic Priest. I am yet to understand why his focus are not pivoted on the Word of God in relation to teachings and sharing .

    I Wonder if this Priest really read and know the bible
    Is he for real, because the Bible has many sections referencing Clapping.


    This man needs help.

  17. Thank you Fr Charles
    This is the very issue with the lawlessness that currently exist in our society. Everybody wants to do as they wish regardless of the rules and guidelines. So you understand the behavior of our students, the carnage on our road, the despicable behavior in Parliament.

  18. Fr Charles VC
    The bible is clear regarding rejoicing – you all need to keep your tradition to yourself and respect other people and what they believe. You all want to be DICTATORS and JESUS was certainly not that. Even salvation is free will – God does not force anyone to believe – if they want to they will and if they don’t then so be it. You all in St. Lucia are seriously too much – there is much more evil deeds within the catholic church which needs addressing like yesterday – is clapping SIN????? — nonsense.. that SPIRIT of RELIGIOUSLY has got to go. You know a tree by it’s fruit and some of you have NO FRUIT for real. Some of you are rooted in tradition – but here is what the bible says.

    Mark 7:13 NIV – Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.” – Mark 6:13

    By the way – the bible focuses on RELATIONSHIP not religion – therefore all this different religions fighting each other and looking for relevance was all man made. I am a student of the bible and nowhere in the bible is reference made to religious institutions such as CATHOLIC, METHODIST, ANGLICAN, SEVENTH DAY, ETC. – people make these choices to join wherever they want and that is ok to each his own. However, what the bible does fully endorse is RELATIONSHIP – and the word is clear on the golden rule – would the priest want to have this happen to his family???? — how INCONSIDERATE to attack a family in bereavement in this matter.

    Matthew 7:12 states, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets”

    Luke 6:31
    And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

    What is a liturgy in church?
    What Is a Liturgy?
    It comes from the Greek leitourgia, which is a combination of two other words: people (laos) and work (ergon). Literally, a liturgy is a “work of the people,” or perhaps more helpfully, a “public service.”

    I would have ask the Priest to leave period – everyone will be judged accordingly – and will reap as they have sowed regardless of your religious affiliation. Nonsense – Bayteeze

  19. Appropriate?His actions sometimes makes one wonder whether he leads by example as a priest.Well if thats the case,he should also stop that “maypwee” thing and preach what is appropriate.



  21. Shinning Stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    Your song was too powerful based on the word of God !!!
    JEREMIAH is Saying :
    “Come out of them and seperate yourselves from them ”..

    They are senseless and foolish people that leads the people away by their vain doctrines and discours from the new Jérusalem book which is not inlined of the words of the true and holy bible written by chosen men and inspired by the Holy Sprit,
    They teach for a price and tell fortunes for money,a liar,deceiver, doing the pope’s command allied with corruption, always dress in violet,blue or yellow..
    they prophecy for new wine and beers,and their customs are worthless,do not learn their ways, their idols,statues,cannot speak they must be carried because they cannot walk…

    We are in this forum to express our OWN opinion – the topic in this particular forum is
    [Controversy Over Priest’s Remarks At Rameau Poleon’s Funeral} – no one is missing the point. Your opinion is yours and yours alone – all the extras have nothing to do with the topic.

  23. A church is a foundation a house of God,a famally you belongs,in the kingdom of God and not the church, this is where judgment will take place, those who called themselves a christian going to church to listen to hymms, which does not receives anything good,
    God is only looking at the heart of man,not religion or church..

    Someone may be going to church a hundred years and still are not saved..
    Without sanctification we cannot see God,in order words, must be born again and keep away from the world’ ungodly 😈desires, always dress in white means living a GODLY life, but the catholiques are far from GODLY..

  25. I happen to like this priest approach to preaching. He is not afraid to say he it like it is ! We should have many more like him in this environment of lawlessness and rebellion ! Because he keeps it real, many will rebel but father please don’t stop. Like him or not, Joey is (was) a good preacher, who always kept to the point and say (said) it like it is. The truth always offends.

  26. Swift messangers the word of the LORD, the descendants of Abraham according to his promise :
    Psalms 47…
    Clap your hands,all you nations, who bears the name of the LORD,
    shout to God with cries of joy..
    How awesome is the LORD Most High, the great king over all the earth !
    He subdued the mockers blasphèmers and haters of God under our feet.
    He chose our inheritance for us, the pride of Jacob,whom he ❤️loved..
    Sing praises to God,sing praises ;sing praises to our king,sing praises,
    God has ascend amids shouts of joy, the LORD amid the sounding of the trumpets..
    For with pride and content the arrogant speak against the Holy One..
    O LORD,how long will you look on,
    my whole body will exclaim you, who is like you,O LORD ?
    Their eyes will grow weak with sorrow, their soul and body with grief ; their life will be consumed by anguish and their years by groanning their strength will fail because of their affliction their bones will grow weak..reward looted for the mockers blasphèmers and haters of God ‼️

  27. If this song was inappropriate for the liturgy so was Jerusalema when he whined down in the Lady of Assumption Catholic church in Soufriere on his birthday with the nuns and some celebrants a few years aback. It also went viral on the media. Tell us about it. Truth be told. I have been a catholic for 65 years and I never once knew clapping is in appropriate in the catholic church. Is it a new norm being adopted? Fr Charles save your comments. He could have addressed the situation in a loving matter. @Albert practice what you preach. Stop the bashing in the pulpit it is also inappropriate for the liturgy. Do your bashing elsewhere. I have never seen this before.

  28. This priest doesn’t known when it’s appropriate to express his own personal opinions and when to keep his mouth shut. Sometimes I wonder if he does this for attention.

    What’s amazing to me is the number of people that are encouraging his behavior. I have seen this man stop many funerals because all the people didn’t stand or he felt the need to say that he knew that church members were talking about him and doesn’t care.

    A quarrelsome priest preaching peace ?
    How does that work ?

    It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. It’s only a matter of time before someone starts quarrelling back with him within the church. I only hope a fight doesn’t ensue.


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