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Human Remains, Spent Shells Recovered In Gros Islet

Saint Lucia police are investigating the discovery of human remains at Monier, Gros Islet.

While processing the scene, investigators recovered multiple spent shells.

Officers had proceeded to the area on Wednesday after learning that a Piat, Gros Islet man, had sustained fatal gunshot injuries in a forested area of Monier.

A pathologist confirmed that the remains found in the area were human.

A post-mortem examination will occur at a later date, and an analysis of the human remains will be done to obtain formal identification.

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  1. As of October 18, 67 homicides for 2024. Projected homicides in 2024: 84 at current trajectory. Projected homicide rate: 46.75 per 100,000 people. In 1994 the Homicide rate was 6.64 per 100,000 people. That’s a 7.04 times increase in 30 years. What a sad statistic.

  2. The Minister of National Security is failing the country, he needs to get better advisors for crime and security.

    Lucian Lowgrade do not come there with your ignorance spewing BS that the PM cannot be everywhere fighting crime himself, that is a dumb statement which you continue to repeat and not it’s what we are begging for.

    The police force is responsible for crime fighting and Minister of National security is responsible for security policy and framework, and giving the police force the necessary tools to fight crime.

    So tell me who is failing at their job, who is failing the country? Is it the Minister or the Police Force, maybe its both?

  3. Those security companies are still not paying the workers the minimum wage in the south of the island yet still the workers are afraid to report the matter to the labour department …

  4. Classic O Really nothing of statement is ever dumb…..they are lowered to meet your delusional rational of the belief that PM can solve crime on his own….. in retrospect to those who choose to compare the crime statistics of yesteryear to today….yesterday’s price is not today’s price St Lucia along with region has evolved and we now live in turbulent times where we are dealing with the wickedness of an enemy within. Saint Lucia does not have the capacity and budgetary means to place a cop in every hole on this rock, and your trajectory that it will be curtailed under the opposition is laughable to say the least. We can change party but we can’t change the wickedness in a man’s heart ; people are going to kill each other to satisfy a score even with enhance laws and legislations that’s the kind of people we have become.

  5. We are losing the battle against the criminals. This government, for 3 years, has JUST been trying to fight the criminals and has done nothing to fight crime. Giving vehicles, jetskies motorcycles and bicycles is just for fighting criminals, which has proven a failure in fighting crime and the criminals. The K9 unit, which was dismantled by this government, was a measure of fighting crime. Screeners at the ports is a measure to fight crime. securing our boarders is a means of fight crime. Creating jobs. Building sporting facilities is important but having organized sporting programs is more important and should start at the primary level. We also need to stop the emboldening of criminals by corruption and the apparent criminal activity at the head.

  6. @ A Loosing Battle yes all is good said and done, and you think all you have suggested will take a bite out of crime…..first world countries have all the above and and are still dealing with high crime. I can imagine what your bellows would have been if The PM did not fund the police with the little they now have minus the dogs… order for you the have effective policing you must be mobile ready or forget it……I can’t tell how many times I’ve call the police only to hear we don’t have a vehicle readily available so you will have to wait, plenty people will confirm this. You are of the belief crime is ONLY committed by inner city youths sitting on a walk with nothing to do……yes they are part of it because Tick Tock and instagram in America and St Lucia is not the same as Tick tock and Instagram in China did you know that. The Chinese government controls what you view when you open these social medias in China… the youth can ONLY see positive views on Tick Tock like how to build youth empowerment, self esteem, only educational things, nothing slack or lud, no gun violence nothing to poison their minds, but in the West forget about it, anything to deal with crime you can find it that’s why the US hates China and wants to block Tick Tock because they are destroying their society without touching them, psychological warfare. The facilitators of gun violence is big business for some people here, those same youths sitting on the wall where are they getting the he guns from ? Do you know how readily available guns are in St Lucia and we don’t have a gun factory it’s shocking.

  7. You know what I realise about the SLP and its supporters? It’s that they exhibit the same traits as the Republican Party in the US. Uses the same race and ignorance tactics to fool their supporters. They keep making excuses for the leaders of their party instead of asking for better.

    2023 US homicide rate per capita was 5.3.
    2023 UK homicide rate per capita was 9.7.
    2023 St. Lucia homicide rate per capita was over 40.

    Countless reports from the US and UK show that the crime rate in their countries has been slowly dropping since the pandemic but these fools from the SLP will continue repeating the same lies that the US and UK are struggling with crime to justify their incompetence and the state of things here.

    I will not vote for the SLP in the next election because I have not seen anything new from them. Just lies everywhere, lies about the 2.5%, lies about the gas prices, lies about GPH holdings, lies about CIP and lies about St. Judes Hospital and lies about the crime situation. I also see my community going back to its old miserable self under the SLP. The only thing the SLP have done is work on unemployment and Carnival and that’s about it, not good enough.

  8. To much poverty in st.lucia ..stop building buildings and build the children that are homeless, expecting yard bosses to send them and kill and hunt and murder normal citizens..Stop blaming others and start gaining Brothers

  9. @Classic O Really……in the words of Donald Trump “we don’t need your vote you are a light weight “. You are even more looney than I have suspected… be equating the crime stats of the US verses St Lucia. Since you are so quick to scold the SLP how many people PER HOUR NOT PER DAY die of gun violence in the US…….go google it clown. The audacity to compare crime stats with the supplier of gun violence in his country……what will your yellow government do plug that hole ?? I would love to see that happen the US does not care about us, only the IRS cares what goes out and what comes in.

  10. What he’ll is was wrong with you all ..arguing about the pros and cons of who’s stats and govts.. Vs others.per capita …per crap.etc.
    Whilst the country hemorrhaging like a seive…
    That’s the division that is spread to divide ..instead of taking the best suggestions from wherever it may come from to deal with this issue.All of you guys ,,govt,s etc are jokers…blame gaming ..instead of head banging to try and make dent in this crisis..!!!
    Tired of this shit..!!!!

  11. @Lucian Lowgrade, the more crazy I seem to you only shows your level of ignorance. Also it is your Master the PM who is comparing St. Lucia to the US and the UK. Every single interview on crime he uses whats happening in those countries to excuse whats happening here.

  12. @ Classic O Really……I always knew and come to accept you were not firing on all cylinders and you were destined to spend the rest of your life in Looney Ville like Trump….…,.yes the intellect of the PM knows what’s happening over there affects us here……we like to copy and bring home. Some of you want to ideas to lower crime (you can’t rid it)….as it pertains to gun crime imposing stiffer fines and mandatory prison sentences might served as a deterrent….,.mandatory 10yrs sentence along with a $70.00 fine for the importation of firearms would served as a deterrence, if you are caught with a gun a mandatory straight to jail no bail 5 yr sentence plus $70.000 fine would help. If you can’t come up with the fine you must do a mandatory 5yrs, 5hr, 4days per week, community service and during this time you are forbidden to travel. Laws and legislations are made in the house no single individual or party can do this so stop looking at the PM.

  13. @Anonymous, I am a law abiding citizen, I do not deal with criminals, I do not support crime, I pay my taxes so please do not ask me to stop the crime.

    @Lucian Lowgrade, If the PM actually brings new ideas to the table I am sure no one will disagree and that includes the opposition. The PM has advisors and the state pays lots of money to consultants, so find the answers and implement them. No one is asking the government to eliminate crime, you cannot get rid of all crime but you can get it to a manageable level.

    You talk about bail money but where are these unemployed gangsters getting money from. You know who’s job it is to find the source of funds? Its between the investigators at the Police Force, IRD, Banks figure it out.


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