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Health Minister Says COVID-19 Remains A Serious Problem


Health Minister Moses Jn Baptiste has expressed concern regarding the high number of COVID-19 cases in Saint Lucia.

He told reporters on the sidelines of a parliament session on Tuesday that between August 12 and October 10, Saint Lucia recorded seventeen COVID-19-related deaths.

“Very clearly COVID-19 continues to be a very serious problem,” the Vieux Fort North MP asserted.

In addition, Jn Baptiste disclosed that medical professionals are reporting the usual increase in respiratory problems, especially around the rainy season.

Regarding bivalent vaccine boosters, the Minister said the Saint Lucia government continues to work with the Pan American Health Organization to get the latest available medications.

“I do not know as of last week whether these boosters did arrive, but I know the Ministry of Health is attempting to access the latest COVID-19 medications,” Jn Baptiste told reporters.

But he said health officials are dissatisfied with the current COVID-19 vaccination rate.

Nevertheless, he said they hope Saint Lucians will see vaccination as an effective option in their general health care and not only in relation to COVID-19.

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