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Father Warns Women To Leave Toxic Relationships After His Daughter’s Stabbing Death In Dennery


Boniface James, whose daughter was stabbed to death in Dennery early Saturday morning, has warned women to abandon toxic relationships with men.

James recalled waking to his dogs barking after 3 am and a man running up the footpath with devastating news.

The man announced that James’ daughter, Bonita James, was lying on the road in a pool of blood after sustaining a stab wound to the neck.

“When I saw my daughter, she was dead,” the father told St. Lucia Times.

Boniface James
Boniface James – Father of Bonita James

The father disclosed that Bonita was moving on from a toxic relationship with a jealous man who was ‘blocking’ her everywhere she went.

“We try how many times. How many times I try, but she would always tell me, ‘Dada I want to leave that relationship, but I don’t know what happen – what’s taking place’,” the father recalled.

He said Bonita was out enjoying herself when tragedy struck.

And he advised women in toxic relationships to leave and not return.

“Run from a sour relationship and don’t come back or you will be in the grave,” James warned.

He said Bonita was his only daughter.

She was the mother of three children.

James said she was a good daughter who liked having a good time.

Shortly after the early Saturday morning fatal stabbing in Dennery, police said a man who was ‘a person of interest’ was assisting them with their investigation.

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  1. These crimes deserve the DEATH PENALTY! How dare you take the life of a person just because the person doesn’t want you in his or her life!

  2. Ok JeanDennery

    Let’s just say he lying and is a hypocrite did she have to die like that… don’t you have sisters?mothers? aunty? cousins??? only when it happens to you then you can talk….

  3. There must have been several made against the Accused in the Crime Diary at the Dennery police Station

  4. If this were my daughter, that bastard wouldn’t be safe anywhere. NOT even in prison.

  5. @Jeandennerymalwaaaattt……what could this woman have possibly done to deserve this??? aa…

  6. I will never agree with what he did but it was my eyes who saw this guy coming to work with black eye. And abuse but the turth will come they need to stop putting guys under spells it comes with a price

  7. @loved…if u know the full story then speak up…am tired of people knowing things until its too late then come under these social media and give it halfway……..

  8. No one knows the truth story then the young lady n the man…we are in no position to judge…..n no matter what…the young lady didn’t deserve to die in such a way….@jean dennery and @loved don’t you’ll have a mother daughter or any female relative….

  9. With crime rate rising to 35%, there sould be more policing methods be installed such as cameras to monitor crime detection and crime security.


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