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Parents Warned To Be Alert Regarding New Drug Trends And Threats


Amid new drug trends and threats, Saint Lucia’s Substance Abuse Advisory Council Secretariat (SAACC) has advised parents and guardians to be vigilant, especially regarding their children’s social media use.

SAACC Acting Coordinator Natasha Lloyd-Felix told the Health Ministry’s Communications Unit of the Council’s awareness of new substances in the region and likely Saint Lucia.

Lloyd-Felix explained that the substances might include cookies and cakes, possibly containing products that pose a risk to children’s health and well-being and could impair their judgement.

She requested parents to heighten their awareness and alertness about their children’s social media use.

“We do note an increased level of creativity in marketing of these products using popular forums on which young people dialogue and communicate,” the SAACC official stated.

Lloyd-Felix urged parents and guardians to caution young people about what they buy or consume.

She said creative methods are in use, offering young people products that might seem attractive and normal but might contain items that could threaten their health and safety.

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  1. Well what will you and your operatives do to the individuals or sellers of these items? Why are they allow to enter our ports, a parent cannot guard every corner shop or every move kids make. Simple weed, cocaine and guns are turning up in schools. We need a more proactive approach stiff penalty. How many girl child must have been abuse already, because when things like this hit news it is already well embedded into society. The sad part is however one may bark our schools are no longer a safe environment anymore… lawlessness to the core.

  2. The herd is now decriminalize ,I guess no thought was given to the future generation when the bill was rushed through the house. Ganja cookies, ganja lollies, ganja pops.
    Where is the education from the committee responsible for the advancement of the herd. I guess the money comes first and not the people.

  3. I attended a party nearly 25 years ago in my early 20’s, where I mistakenly consumed a couple of those things. Now I am a grandparent and you all are only now catching on to this?

  4. These comments are such a bunch of losers. If you can’t comment sensibly please stay off the comments page simple

  5. Uh, after “mistakenly consumed a couple of those things”, what exactly did you do about it? Did you report it to the right authorities? I guess not, you enjoyed it and you kept your mouth shut. So please, keep keeping your mouth shut and enjoy being a grandparent. It’s people like you who’s always waiting for someone else to report on things.


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