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City Police Official Calls Out Parents After Students Found With Drugs, Weapons


City Police officers temporarily detained seventeen students at a Castries secondary school recently, prompting a call to parents to play a more significant role in disciplining their children.

“Parents need to check on and speak to their children,” Inspector Yone Camchon told St Lucia Times.

The Deputy City Police Chief spoke after officers temporarily detained the seventeen students between forms one to five for possession of drugs and weapons in the classroom.

Camchon said during an operation facilitated by the school principal and teachers, officers searched students in several classrooms and seized knives, scissors, marijuana, and hashish that the youngsters had in their possession.

He disclosed that a student had six packets of hashish concealed in his socks.

Officers also confiscated a bottle of kerosene.

According to Camchon, after detaining the seventeen youngsters, officers entrusted them to their parents with a warning that repeat offences would land the students before the juvenile court.

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