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Saint Lucians To Pay Less For LPG 100 Pound Cylinder – Other Fuel Prices Unchanged


The Public is hereby notified that in keeping with changes in international oil prices and Government’s application of the modified market pass-through petroleum pricing mechanism, the retail price of LPG 100 lb cylinder has changed.

The retail price of Gasoline, Kerosene, Diesel, LPG 20 and 22lb cylinders remains unchanged. The price change takes effect from Monday, October 17, 2022.

 GASOLINE remains unchanged at $3.89 per litre or $17.70 per gallon
 Kerosene remains unchanged at $3.91 per litre or $17.77 per gallon
 Diesel remains unchanged at $3.89 per litre or $17.70 per gallon

 20 Pound Cylinder (9.07 kg) remains unchanged at $45.27 per cylinder
 22 Pound Cylinder (9.98 kg) remains unchanged at $49.79 per cylinder
 100 Pound Cylinder (45.36kg) decreased from $318.64 to $313.07 per cylinder

The 20 lb Cylinder (9.07kg) is being subsidized at $17.35 per cylinder and the 22 lb Cylinder (9.98kg) is being subsidized at $19.08 per cylinder.

The Public is informed that the next adjustment of the retail price of fuel products will be on Monday, November 7, 2022.

SOURCE: Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs

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  1. Like seriously this is the second time that the 100 pound clyinder has been reduce an the 20 pound clyinder has never been reduce for the likes of the big man while the small man continue to bear the burden of high cost of the 20 pound clyinder I am writing and my head is hurting me in the interest of the people man u never for the people your day will come

  2. Brent crude has dropped from a YTD all time high of $127 USD per barrel to around $90-$95 USD per barrel. This is a 30% reduction from the YTD all time high cost of a barrel. Yet we continue to pay the same price for gas with no communication from the SLP administration as to when we will receive some relief from these inflated prices. All of this trickles down and increases the cost of items, since everything needs to be transported, stored, housed and (some) refrigerated. So gas prices dictate the cost of many other goods. In the US fuel YTD all time high was $5.10USD/gallon ($13.77XCD) and it is now down to $4.03USD/gallon ($10.88XCD).

    Why aren’t we seeing these savings? We as consumers really need to start asking these questions because at the moment it seems the current administration is content with many St. Lucians having diminished purchasing power. Does Philip really care?

  3. Economist don’t make good leaders. They see people merely as numbers and not human beings. They’re willing to cause suffering to balance their books with no account as to how that affects the moral of the people they lead.

  4. So much for putting people first when we the people are being put last by this SLP cabal who only seems to care for the rich people who can afford the 100lbs cylinder. This is outrageous what this gorgorment is doing, and trust me 5 years is not 50 years remember that.

  5. Thank you for saying that. It is actually trading below prices when they started teh price hikes. Grenada is now paying 12.00 a gallon. They like to compare with other islands. That is a significant difference. Neither of us are oil produers. SLP is fleecing the country plain and simple. Their goal is to bankrupt businesses and impoverish everyone. If people can’t see that they’re either dumb or stupid. I know where I’m voting next. #phuckpip.

  6. All along it was Putting the government first! Protecting our government’s victory!. It was there people. They are playing mind games with us. They are subsidizing less for us every adjustment and holding on to most of the gains.

  7. Stop saying it is rich people buying the 100lb cylinder. There are many working class people who don’t want to go to an outlet to buy a tank of gas every 2 weeks and are using the 100lb instead. What is unfair is that the last adjustment the 100lb was the only increase and it was by about $16.00. this decrease is only $5.00. We are still the one’s affected the most. Do the math.

  8. I suspect cylinders contain less actual gas now, because a 20-pound cylinder used to last me upwards of sixweeks cooking everyday and now it barely passes the four-week mark. Something about this doesn’t sit right with me, afterit has gotten more expensive to boot.


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