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$6.2 Million Saint Lucia Flood Damage Estimate Expected To Increase


The estimated damage caused by the November 6 floods in Saint Lucia is expected to increase beyond the current $6.2 million.

“To date, for this Level II Disaster, we have damage and loss estimates of $6.2 million. This figure is expected to increase as teams continue to assess businesses, infrastructure, and other affected households,” Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre wrote Wednesday on Facebook.

Pierre, also Finance Minister, explained that with a complete assessment, the government would determine the next phase of assistance to the affected sectors.

And he again thanked the volunteers and teams responding to the needs of citizens at this time.

On Tuesday, the Castries East MP convened an inter-agency Press Briefing to update the nation on the ongoing assessments from the flooding that devastated the island’s northern part.

He reiterated to the gathering that climate change is real and warned that Saint Lucia could face worse flooding.

But Pierre added that Saint Lucia would have to try its best to mitigate the effects of flooding, adverse weather, and other natural hazards.

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