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Southwest Airlines: Operational Turbulence Continues – More Flights Cancelled


As it dealt with complaints from customers and scrutiny from government regulators over how it handled its schedule in the wake of the enormous winter storm that ruined holiday travel plans across the U.S., Southwest Airlines cancelled thousands of flights once more on Wednesday.

According to tracking firm Flight Aware, Southwest scrubbed more than 2,500 flights on Wednesday.

The move accounted for approximately 86% of all canceled flights in the United States by Wednesday evening.

Southwest canceled approximately 2,600 additional flights on Tuesday, a day after most American carriers had recovered from the devastating winter storm.

According to FlightAware, those flights made up more than 80% of the 3,000 trips canceled countrywide on Tuesday.

And it seemed that the commotion would never end.

The airline cancelled more than 2,300 scheduled flights set for Thursday as it tried to restore order to its chaotic schedule.

CEO Robert Jordan who apologised for the situation, said Southwest would operate a reduced schedule for several days.

But Jordan hoped the airline would be back on track before next week.


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